NACTA Updates and Information: February 2013

If you have any items of interest to the membership of NACTA, please submit them via email to Rick, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or Marilyn, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Items will be included in the next NACTA e-newsletter.

In This Issue:


2013 Calendar

on the NACTA website:

It is continuously updated. If you have items for the calendar that are of interest to the members of NACTA, please email them to either the editor or the secretary.


NACTA Conference for 2013

2013 NACTA Conference will be held June 25 - 29 Blacksburg, VA. The theme is "Crossing Disciplinary Boundaries." Continuously updated information can be found on the website.


Call for NACTA Abstracts

The NACTA abstract submission site is now open and accepting abstracts for the 2013 Conference. All abstracts must be submitted at this website


The 2013 NACTA conference will be held June 25 – 29 at Virginia Tech, Blacksburg. The theme for the 2013 NACTA Conference is “Crossing Disciplinary Boundaries”. Accepted abstracts that address the theme will be given first priority for oral presentations. Authors will be given the option to request an oral presentation, but it will be up to the host committee to make the final selection and timetabling of oral presentations. All other abstracts will be poster presentations. Complete details for abstracts can be found on the NACTA website:


Deadline: March 20, 2013. The author submitting the abstract will be notified of its status four weeks after the deadline. If you have any questions contact the NACTA Journal Editor, Rick Parker, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Time to Submit Nominations for NACTA Awards

Nominate someone for one or more of the NACTA awards for excellence in postsecondary instruction in agriculture, food and natural resources. One of the central purposes of NACTA is to recognize those individuals whose efforts represent the very best in agricultural higher education. Thus, NACTA seeks to inspire all of us to achieve the highest levels of excellence. At the same time, NACTA seeks to encourage these colleagues to share with us their methods of achieving excellence. The nominator does not have to be from the same institution as the nominee, but the nominator should contact the nominee's Department Chair as a professional courtesy.


For information about nominations and how to upload your files. If you haven't used this website before, you will need to create your own id and password. If you have any problem uploading files, please contact NACTA Teacher Recognition Chair, Nick Fuhrman at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Thank you.


For complete nomination information:


Membership Renewal Time

Believe it or not, it’s time to renew your NACTA membership for 2013. THANK YOU to those who have already renewed for 2013. If you do not renew your membership before February 20th you will no longer have access to the current issues of the NACTA Journal online. Also you will not receive the annual hard copy of Volume 57 (2013) of the NACTA Journal. Membership forms can be found on the website:


Help NACTA grow. Remember that you could double the membership of NACTA if you encouraged one associate to join at the time you renew your membership. Make a copy of the form and encourage someone else to join! Also, please do not share your user name and password.


2012 Annual Hard Copy of NACTA Sent

The 2012 NACTA Journal annual hard copy of Volume 56, issues 1 - 4 is printed by The Sheridan Press in Hanover, PA. It was mailed to all individuals who were members of NACTA during 2012. Additional copies can be purchased for $40.00, which includes shipping. If you did not receive a hard copy and think that you should have received one, contact the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


All 2012 issues of the NACTA Journal are online and current members (with user name and password) can download and read at Older issues of the NACTA Journal are available to anyone.


NACTA Judging Conference

The 2013 NACTA Judging Conference/Contest will be held on April 3 - 5 at Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX. Here is a link to the details: The host hotel and closing banquet with be at The Overton Hotel and Conference Center, 2322 Mac Davis Lane in Lubbock. The main contact for the NACTA Judging Conference is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Watch for more details.


NACTA on Facebook and Linkedin

Find us on Facebook. Leave us a comment on our "wall." We have 304 people who "like" NACTA. That is up 128 from last year at this time-- slow but steady progress. We try to update the NACTA Facebook once a day with something of use to college teachers of agriculture that will help them connect, develop and achieve.


NACTA also has a discussion group on Linkedin. Look for “NACTA teachers.” Start a discussion today.


Articles Need for the NACTA Journal

Submissions to the NACTA Journal have slowed. Please consider submitting a manuscript to the NACTA Journal. Submission guidelines can be found here. Also, the NACTA Journal is always seeking submissions for the Teaching Tips/Notes section. These are not peer-reviewed. The format is very open and they need to be 500 to 1000 words.


Finally, don’t forget your submission for the special issue of the NACTA Journal on “Globalization: Implications for teaching and learning in post-secondary agricultural education.” Manuscripts are due in May 2013 and will be published in September 2013. The call for papers and full details can be found in the Announcements section of the NACTA website.


Invitation to Land-Grant Ag Students

Inviting ALL land-grant agricultural students to The National Summit

North Carolina State University, April 11-12-13, 2013

International Association of Agricultural Students-USA


Why should Ag students travel to Raleigh, NC and the IAAS National Summit this April?


(1) Ag students will have an opportunity to tell the nation's other Ag schools about the strong Ag programs at their school. Each student group prepares a PowerPoint about their school, its agricultural programs, and the agriculture of their local area.


(2) When four or more members from the same school attend the National Summit, then that school automatically earns one seat as a Director on next year's National Board of Directors.


(3) Officers will be elected at this year's National Summit:



(4) The National Summit in Raleigh includes events on the North Carolina coast that are of high interest!


(5) Great opportunity to network and meet Ag students from all over the country. Learn what other Ag students and clubs are doing.


(6) Participation in the Ag National Summit makes a unique element on each student’s resume.


(7) The event is just plain fun!  April 11-12-13


If you drive to Raleigh, we will meet you at the city limits and bring your group to the Sheraton Hotel. If your group flies to Raleigh we will meet you at the airport and provide transportation downtown. All local transportation and the motor coach to the ocean are included in the National Summit package.


Check out our website:


Peru Conference Looking for Presenters

. They are looking for speakers. Contact Carlos Gomez (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) for more information.


Position Announcements

Visit the NACTA website for position announcements ( New announcements are continuously being posted.


NACTA – Advancing the scholarship of teaching & learning -- Encourage a friend to join and double the membership of NACTA.


Administrative: If you do not wish to continue receiving the NACTA E-Newsletter please send an email to the NACTA secretary/treasurer (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) requesting that your name be removed from the electronic mailing list.