Developing a Multimedia Program that Emphasizes Applications of Functional Anatomy
Written by H.G. Kattesh, M.H. Siims, R.W. Henry, E.K. Jackson, P.M. Ockenfels, D.K. Haines, and B.R. Harbison |
Hits: 2204
Developing an Effective Course Syllabus
Written by Jana L. Hess and M. Susie Whittington |
Hits: 2445
An Analysis of Leadership Offerings in Collegiate Agricultural Education Departments
Written by Susan Fritz, Christine Townsend, Tracy Hoover, William Weeks, Richard Carter, and Alan Nietfeldt |
Hits: 2248
Factors Influencing Career Choices of Ethnic Minorities in Agriculture
Written by Wash A. Jones and Alvin Larke, Jr. |
Hits: 2850
Student Perception of the "Student Evaluation of Instruction" Form as a Tool for Assessing Instructor's Teaching Effectiveness
Written by Sha Rahnema, Frank Jennings, and Philip Kroll |
Hits: 2480