Congratulations Dr. Frank Robinson, the recently named 2016-2017 Canadian Regional Director-elect

Frank Robinson, University of Alberta

Frank Robinson University of AlbertaFrank Robinson has been a professor of poultry production and physiology at the University of Alberta since 1986. He has a B.Sc. (Agriculture) from the University of Saskatchewan; a M.Sc. (Poultry Science) from Virginia Tech; and a Ph.D. (Animal Reproduction) from the University of Guelph. For over 20 years, Frank was very active in researching reproductive efficiency of female broiler breeders. His program focused on the role of nutrient allocation, photoperiod and selection for conformation on ovarian form and function. He has presented research and industry seminars on this topic locally, nationally and internationally. He has taught in the area of poultry science and general animal agriculture with an emphasis on inquiry-based learning. For 10 years he led the program “There’s a Heifer in Your Tank” which saw 1000 students engage with the community in carrying out undergraduate research. He continues to teach and is working on an online poultry course for poultry producers.

Frank is a Fellow of the Poultry Science Association and has been awarded the Distinguished Educator Award by the North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture. He was inducted into the Alberta Agriculture Hall of Fame in 2006, is a 3M National Teaching Fellow and received the Alberta Poultry Service Award in 2013. He recently completed a term as Vice-Provost and Dean of Students of the University of Alberta.