According to NACTA bylaws, nominations for the positions of President-elect, Canadian Region Director-Elect, Central Region Director-Elect and Judging Conference Director-Elect were sought from the general membership by the nominating committee led by past president, Ann Marie VanDerZanden. The nominating committee submitted the names to the Executive Committee for review and approval. These names were submitted to the general membership for electronic voting, which commenced on March 17, 2020 and concluded 30 days later on April 17, 2020. The newly elected officers will assume their post at conclusion of the annual meeting in June. It is my pleasure to announce to you the results of these recent officer elections.

President-Elect: Susie Whittington, Ohio State University, USA
Canadian Region Director-Elect: James Benkie, Olds College, Canada
Central Region Director-Elect: Cheryl Wachenheim, North Dakota State University, USA
Judging Conference Director-Elect: Brad Ramsdale, Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture, USA

Please join me in congratulating our new NACTA officers and in thanking them for their past and ongoing dedication and service. We would also like to thank all those who considered candidacy for these positions and the membership for taking the time to evaluate each and cast their votes.

Thank you,
Foy Mills, Jr. Ph.D.
President, NACTA