NACTA Distinguished Educator Award This award is meant to recognize meritorious service to NACTA and to higher education through teaching, educational research, and/or administration. Those eligible must be current or retired NACTA members and have ten or more years of service to higher education. Michel was nominated and supported by several NACTA members, coworkers, students and friends. From a letter of support of his nomination, a previous student said, "It is safe to say that Michel has impacted several generations of undergraduate and graduate students because he has made a profound impact on faculty – like myself, who will pass on the learning experiences acquired in his classes. There is no mistake, Michel highly deserves the honor of this NACTA Award"
It is with sincere appreciation and gratitude for his continued efforts and outstanding service that we bestow this award to our dear friend and colleague, Michel Wattiaux. Congratulations, and thank you for all that you do for NACTA and higher education.
Thank you, M. Susie Whittington NACTA President 2021-2022 |