The NACTA Foundation (NACTAF) was chartered in 1985. The foundation solicits and accepts tax deductible gifts from individuals, companies and organizations to:
  • Reward professionalism in agricultural teaching
  • Improve teaching quality in agriculture
  • Encourage research to develop quality instruction

According to the NACTAF's Constitution:

 ARTICLE II.  Purposes.

The purposes for which this organization is formed are as follows -- The objects and purposes are philanthropic, charitable and educational in support of NACTA: to encourage, promote and reward instructional excellence in agriculture, natural and environmental sciences, and the research supporting this instruction; to support the North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture for the professional advancement of college level instruction in agriculture; and to seek improvement in post-secondary teaching of agriculture through examination and discussion of curricula, course organization, teaching techniques, facilities and materials.


The NACTA Foundation was the brainchild of a group of past- presidents of NACTA who thought it would be a great idea to create an endowment that would be able to fund all the regional teaching awards and support other financial needs related to recognizing outstanding teaching. In the beginning, contributions to the Foundation were sporadic and slow, but as the years passed the Foundation became more familiar to our membership and the endowment grew more quickly. Currently, there is approximately $90,000 in the foundation fund.

To show member support of the NACTA Foundation, $5 of each annual membership is contributed to the NACTA Foundation.

Currently the NACTA Foundation supports these teaching/leadership awards:

  • Distinguished Educator
  • Teaching Award of Excellence
  • Central, Southern, Western, Eastern Regional Outstanding Teacher Awards
  • Murray Brown NACTA Leadership Award


NACTA is a recognized 501C non-profit organization and contributions to NACTA are tax deductible.

To increase the ability of NACTA to recognize outstanding teaching through its awards program, please consider a donation to the Foundation. A donation form has been attached for your convenience.

Thank you!

NACTA Foundation Constitution