Each year NACTA recognizes outstanding contributions to the NACTA Journal. Members of the NACTA Journal Awards Committee read and evaluate each article published in the NACTA Journal during the year. Then, a ballot is submitted to the Chair in January with the top eight articles ranked. The Chair tabulates results. In early February, participating committee members rank a second ballot containing the few leading candidates. The final tabulation determines the award recipients. This year. ..


E. B. Knight Award goes to:

"Explaining Student Cognition during Class Sessions in the Context Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development," by John C. Ewing, Daniel D. Foster and M. Susie Whittington


Jack Everly Award goes to:

"Undergraduate Students' Use of Time in the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources at Michigan State University," by Krishna M. Shrestha, Murari Suvedi, and Eunice F. Foster


Honorable Mention is given to:

"Quantifying the Critical Thinking Skills of Students Who Receive Instruction in Meat-Animal or Meat Product Evaluation," by C.C. Miller, C.C. Carr, J.H. Brendemuhl, J.C. Ricketts, B.E. Myers and T.G. Roberts


About the Awards


E.B. Knight Journal Award

Award established by the NACTA Executive Committee after Knight's death in 1965, in recognition of his outstanding contributions to NACTA. E.B. Knight received his graduate degrees from the University of Missouri. He taught 1939-1949 at the University of Tennessee and 1949-1964 at the Tennessee Polytechnic Institute. E.B. Knight was a charter member of NACTA, served as first President 1955-56, was Editor of the Journal from 1958-1960, and author of numerous articles published in the NACTA Journal.


Jack Everly Journal Award

Award established by the NACTA Executive Committee in recognition of Jack's outstanding contributions to the NACTA Journal. Jack C. Everly taught at the University of Illinois. In 1971, he received the E.B. Knight Journal Award and received the NACTA Distinguished Educator Award in 1984. Jack served 25 years as Associate Editor (1971-74) and Editor (1974-96) of the NACTA Journal.


Copies of each winning article are included in the attached PDF.

Download this file (Presenting the NACTA Journal Awards 2012.pdf)2012 NACTA Journal Award[Articles from the NACTA Journal winning recognition at the 2012 Conference]685 kB