Congratulations Dr. Mark Russell, the recently named 2016-2017 NACTA President-Elect. 

Mark Russell Purdue University
I have been a faculty member in Animal Sciences at Purdue University since 1982 and was the Extension Horse specialist at the University of Illinois. Since 1995, I have focused on undergraduate student development of critical thinking, intercultural communications, and team problem-solving skills to become effective leaders. In August of 2015, I became Professor and Head of Youth Development and Agricultural Education at Purdue. I have shared posters and oral presentations at many NACTA Conferences, coached horse judging teams at five NACTA Judging Conferences, co-chaired the International Committee, served as Guest Section Editor of the “Globalization: Implications for Teaching and Learning” special issue, a member of the Editorial Review Board for the NACTA Journal, and Eastern Regional Director. I was a NACTA Teacher Fellow (2001) and the Eastern Region Outstanding Teacher (2010). There are many excellent personal and professional member benefits of NACTA, and we have an opportunity to enhance our value to two-year colleges and four-year private and public institutions and their faculty in strengthening experiential learning for students, corporate and global collaborations, and the scholarship of teaching and learning.