The course price is $190. Once you enroll, we hope you will complete the course.  Class size is limited to 25 people.  


Time Commitment

Within the three weeks you are expected to:


Complete a pre and post test

Read all course materials

Turn in 4 assignments for evaluation

Complete 2 self-tests

Contribute to the discussion boards.

Complete an online exit survey


Most students spend 15 to 20 hours on this course, but depending on your knowledge, more or less time may be required.  If this is more than you can manage at the moment, we hope that you will not take the course at this time, but sign up at a later date when you have the time to complete the program.


Good Agricultural Practices Online Produce Safety Course Outline



Module One: Welcome to Implementing GAPs: A Key to Produce Safety

1.0.0 Module Home Page

1.1.0 About This Course

Module Two: Shared Responsibility in Food Safety

2.0.0 Module Home Page

2.1.0 Reasons for Engagement                      

2.2.0 Module Wrap-Up

Module Three: Good Agricultural Practices

3.0.0 Module Home Page

3.1.0 Worker Training, Hygiene, and Health

3.2.0 Water Use

3.3.0 Postharvest Water Use

3.4.0 Soil Amendments

3.5.0 Cleaning and Sanitation

3.6.0 Traceback and Recall

3.7.0 Crisis Management

3.8.0 Other Important Practices

3.9.0 Module Wrap-Up

Module Four: Implementing Change

4.0.0 Module Home Page

4.1.0 Education and Training in Food Safety

4.2.0 Building the Plan

4.3.0 Module Wrap-Up

Module Five: Course Conclusion

5.0.0 Module Home Page

5.1.0 Concluding Activities


Development of this course and its content has been a collaborative effort between professionals in government, academia, and industry, so we hope you enjoy the course and increase your produce food safety knowledge!


If you have any questions about any of this information, please contact Betsy Bihn at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 315 787 2625.  If after reading the information provided you would like to enroll, please complete the enrollment information and submit a $190 payment for the course at .