NACTA Updates and Information: January 2012


To encourage better communication throughout NACTA this e-newsletter is sent on a monthly basis. If you have any items of interest to the membership of NACTA, please submit them via email to Rick, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or Marilyn, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


In This Issue:

2012 Calendar

NACTA Conference for 2012

Time to Submit Nominations for NACTA Awards Using New Process

Membership Renewal Time

2011 Annual Hard Copy of NACTA Journal in the Mail

Call for NACTA Abstracts

Potential Sites for Future NACTA Conferences

Book or Media Review

New on the Website

NACTA Facebook

Position Announcements (Listings from the NACTA Website)

Late arrivals: Two Positions at Iowa State (From email received by the Editor)


2012 Calendar

Check out the NACTA Calendar at:

If you have items for the calendar that are of interest to the members of NACTA, please email them to either the editor or the secretary.



NACTA Conference for 2012

2012 NACTA Conference will be held June 26 - 29 at the University of Wisconsin - River Falls. The theme is "Celebrating and Sustaining Agriculture." Continuously updated information can be found on the website:


The call for abstracts is included in this e-newsletter and it is posted on the website.


Time to Submit Nominations for NACTA Awards Using New Process

Nominate someone for one or more of the NACTA awards for excellence in postsecondary instruction in agriculture. One of the central purposes of NACTA is to recognize those individuals whose efforts represent the very best in agricultural higher education. Thus, NACTA seeks to inspire all of us to achieve the highest levels of excellence. At the same time, NACTA seeks to encourage these colleagues to share with us their methods of achieving excellence. ·The nominator does not have to be from the same institution as the nominee, but the nominator should contact the nominee's Department Chair as a professional courtesy.


New instructions: Submit all award nominations online at


For each nominee, upload one single PDF file  that includes all nomination materials (all document, letters of support, teaching evaluations and other relevant documents) at the website by 11:59 PM on March 1st.


We will only accept one PDF file for each nomination, and the website will not combine your materials into one file if you upload multiple files for each nominee. Evaluations of all nominees will be conducted  through the website and neither the Teacher Recognition Committee nor the evaluators will be able to put multiple files together for one nominee, and your file will look incomplete.


for information on how to upload your files. If you haven't used this website before, you will need to create your own id and password. If you have any problem uploading files, NACTA Teacher Recognition Chair, Nick Fuhrman at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Thank you.


For complete nomination information:



Membership Renewal Time

Believe it or not, it’s time to renew your NACTA membership for 2012. THANK YOU to those who have already renewed for 2012. If you do not renew your membership before February 20th you will no longer have access to the current issues of the NACTA Journal online. Also you will not receive the annual hard copy of Volume 56 of the NACTA Journal. Membership forms can be found on the website "Featured links."


Help NACTA grow. Remember that you could double the membership of NACTA if you encouraged one associate to join at the time you renew your membership. Make a copy of the form and encourage someone else to join! Also, please do not share your user name and password.



2011 Annual Hard Copy of NACTA Journal in the Mail

The 2011 NACTA Journal annual hard copy of volume 55, issues 1 - 4 is printed by The Sheridan Press in Hanover, PA and it will be mailed by January 20th to all individuals who were members of NACTA during 2011. Additional copies can be purchased for $40.00, which includes shipping. To purchase extra copies of the annual issue contact the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


All 2011 issues of the NACTA Journal are online and current members (with user name and password) can download and read at Older issues of the NACTA Journal are available to anyone.



Call for NACTA Abstracts

The 2012 NACTA conference will be held June 26 – 29 at University of Wisconsin, River Falls. This conference will be a joint meeting with the National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA), Division of Community and Education (DOCE).


The theme for the 2012 NACTA Conference is “Celebrating and Sustaining Agriculture”. Accepted abstracts that address the theme will be given first priority for oral presentations. Authors will be given the option to request an oral presentation, but it will be up to the host committee to make the final selection & timetabling of oral presentations. All other abstracts will be poster presentations. Complete detail for abstracts can be found on the NACTA website:


All abstracts must be submitted at this website



Deadline: March 20, 2012. The author submitting the abstract will be notified of its status four weeks after the deadline. If you have any questions contact the NACTA Journal Editor, Rick Parker, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..



Potential Sites for Future NACTA Conferences

The NACTA Executive Committee will begin reviewing potential sites for the 2014, 2015 and 2016 national conferences during the June Executive Committee meeting. Institutions wanting to host the national conference in one of those years should send a one-page letter of interest to the NACTA President, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Book or Media Review

If you have a book review or review of some other media you wish to be published in the NACTA Journal,

submit your review through the NACTA Journal submission site ( In the "Notes" add the words "Book Review."



New on the Website

We are trying to make the new website the main communication and public relations tool of NACTA. Check out the items recently added to the website:

     A search function that searches the entire website including the issues of the NACTA Journal.
     Calendar of events for many organizations


If you have ideas for items that should be posted on the website, please email the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..



NACTA on Facebook

Find us on Facebook. Leave us a comment on our "wall." We have 163 people who "like" NACTA. That is up 52 from last year at this time-- slow but steady progress. Of those people who "like" NACTA 114 are active monthly users. We try to update the NACTA Facebook once a day.



Check out the current listings on the website at:



Late Arrivals: Two Positions at Iowa State

Received an email requesting your assistance with filling two important positions for the Animal Science Department.  We are currently looking for someone to fill the Teaching Headquarters position that Bob Hibbing served so well in for many years.  We have added the sheep farm as part of this position’s duties.  The job vacancy identification number is  111203 on the ISU jobs webpage. It is listed in the Professional and Scientific section.


The second position is the Swine Manager for all of the departmental Swine Units.  Jay Lampe has been in the position for a little over two years. Jay misses commercial swine production and is heading back to the private sector.  The vacancy identification number for this position is 120027. The full position description is listed on the Iowa State jobs web page in the professional and scientific. You can find more information on this position at:


If you are interested in either position we encourage you to apply.  If you know others who might be a good fit please encourage them to apply.  If you would prefer that I contact them directly please email Dan Morrical (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) with contact information.


Dan Morrical, PhD

Sheep Extension Specialist


Farm Coordinator, Animal Science Department

313 Kildee Ames, IA 50011

515-294-2904, office

515-291-0848, cell




Reminder: Visit the NACTA website for position announcements ( New announcements are continuously being posted and are not always listed in the E-newsletter.

NACTA – Advancing the scholarship of teaching & learning -- Encourage a friend to join and double the membership of NACTA.
