NACTA Updates and Information: October 2009


To encourage better communication throughout NACTA this e-newsletter is sent on a monthly basis. If you have any items of interest to the membership of NACTA, please submit them via email to Rick, NACTA Journal Editor (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), or Marilyn, NACTA Secretary-Treasurer (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

In This Issue:

  • 2009 - 2010 Calendar
  • NACTA Distinguished Educator Nominations Sought
  • Murray Brown NACTA Leadership Award Nominations Sought
  • 2010 NACTA Conference
  • Opportunities to Submit to the NACTA Journal
  • Books Available to Review
  • New NACTA Website Coming Soon
  • Bioenergy Conference - “Green” Energy to be Highlighted at December Conference
  • Notes from CAST: New CAST Publication
  • Position Announcements (Listings from the NACTA Website)
  • New Listings:
  1. Dean of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, Delaware Valley College
  2. Two-year Graduate Research Assistantship (M.S.), Department of Soil Science, North Carolina State University



2009 - 2010 Calendar


- October 21 - 24, National FFA Convention,

- November 1 - 5, International Annual Meetings of the American Society of Agronomy (ASA), Crop Science Society of America (CSSA), and Soil Science Society of America (SSSA), Pittsburg, PA,

- November 17 – 21, NAAE Convention, Nashville, TN,

- December 2009, NACTA members will receive the first annual hardcopy of the NACTA Journal containing all four issues for 2009.

- December 3 - 5, Acres U.S.A. Conference & Trade Show, Crowne Plaza Riverfront Hotel, St. Paul, MN,

- June 22 - 25, 2010 NACTA Conference at Pennsylvania State University,


If you have items for the calendar that are of interest to the members of NACTA, please email them to either the editor or the secretary.



NACTA Distinguished Educator Nominations Sought


Objective: To recognize meritorious service to NACTA and to higher education through teaching, educational research, and/or administration


Eligibility: Nominee must be a current or retired NACTA member and have ten or more years of service to higher education


Criteria: Nominations will be accepted from any NACTA member. Materials must be submitted to the Chair of the Distinguished Educator Award Committee by the published deadline The NACTA Executive Committee, which serves as the Distinguished Educator Award Committee, reviews the nomination materials at the NACTA Fall Executive Committee meeting and selects the recipient(s).



  • A Letter of Nomination two pages in length, which is to include content in summary form under the following two headings: 1) Service to and Recognition by the Higher Education Community and 2) Service to and Recognition by NACTA.
  • Three Letters of Support, each one page in length.
  • Nominee’s Vita


Recognition: Recipient(s) will be recognized at the Annual NACTA Conference with a plaque and Life Membership in NACTA.


Submission: Nomination materials must be postmarked on or before November 1, 2009. Submit all materials to:


Dr Kevin Donnelly

Kansas State University

3107 Throckmorton Hall

Manhattan, KS 66506


Note: Recent recipients of the Distinguished Educator Award have been recognized primarily for their contributions as administrators. Nominations are also encouraged for deserving NACTA members whose career emphasis is in the area of teaching and/or educational research.



Murray Brown NACTA Leadership Award Nominations Sought


Objective: To recognize one member per year for a distinguished and sustained record of NACTA leadership.


Eligibility: Nominee must be a current or retired NACTA member who has served in a leadership role in the organization.


Criteria: Nominations will be accepted from any NACTA member.


Process: The President-elect (who shall chair the committee), President, and Past President shall serve as the selection committee and are not eligible for the award during their time of service on the selection committee.


Materials: A Letter of Nomination two pages in length documenting the nominee’s exemplary leadership in NACTA; three letters of support, each one page in length; and nominee’s vita.


Recognition: Recipient will be recognized at the Annual NACTA Conference with a plaque and a cash award supported by the Murray Brown endowment.


Submission: Nomination materials must be postmarked on or before November 1, 2009. Send to:


NACTA Secretary/Treasurer

Marilyn B Parker

151 West 100 South

Rupert, ID  83350

2010 NACTA Conference


Now is the time to start planning for the 2010 NACTA Conference June 22 – 25 at Pennsylvania State University, “Collaborate, Communicate, Celebrate.” Abstracts for the conference will be due in March 2010, so plan ahead.


You can view and download photos taken at the 2009 NACTA/SERD Conference at this URL: .This website contains a number of photos from past NACTA conferences.


Opportunities to Submit to the NACTA Journal


You can help make the NACTA Journal better by taking advantage of the many opportunities to submit. The NACTA on Campus section is always looking to recognize members of NACTA or the institutions of NACTA that have achieved something notable. Submit these items directly to the Editor.


Teaching Tips/Notes are welcome. These are short articles of 500 to 1500 words that provide some insight into teaching help to others. These are not reviewed and the turnaround can be rather quick. Teaching Tips/Notes are submitted through the FastTrack system ( with a note indicating “Teaching Tip/Note.”


For many years now book reviews have been an important feature of the Journal. We try to publish six reviews in each issue. Books to review can be obtained through Greg Pillar (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) - (or sometimes the Editor - see below). Also, if you are aware of or are using a new book that you would like to review you can submit a review of it. Guidelines for reviews can be obtained from the Editor. Book reviews are also submitted through the FastTrack system ( with a note indicating “Book Review.”



Books Available to Review


Currently, the NACTA Journal Editor has the following books available for review:


  1. The Viking in the Wheat Field, (2008) by Susan Dworkin, Walker & Company
  2. Illustrated Anatomy of Bovine Male and Female Reproductive Tracts, (2003), by K. June Mullins & Richard G. Saacke, Germinal Dimensions, Inc.
  3. The Mentee's Guide, Making Mentoring Work for You, (2009), by Lois J. Zachary, Jossey-Bass


If you are willing to review one of these books send an email to Rick Parker (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) and he will send you the book. The reviews are published in the NACTA Journal and the books are yours to keep after the review.



New NACTA Website Coming Soon

The old website will soon be the new website. It is being completely redone and redesigned. Watch the NACTA E-newsletter for a rollout of the new website which will become the new communication tool for members of NACTA and which will link directly to electronic issues of the NACTA Journal on FastPress ( and to our manuscript submission site ( We are certain that you will be pleased with NACTA's new look on its new website.



Notes from CAST: New CAST Publication


Beginning October 19, 2009, the full text of CAST Commentary QTA2009-2, The Endangered Species Act: Interfacing with Agricultural and Natural Ecosystems-- is available to view/download without charge by accessing the CAST website. To learn more about CAST's scientific publications, including a list of current and forthcoming titles, visit the CAST website at  All  CAST Issue Papers and Commentaries are free.


CAST is an international consortium of 32 scientific and professional societies. It assembles, interprets, and communicates credible science-based information regionally, nationally, and internationally to legislators, regulators, policymakers, the media, the private sector, and the public.  NACTA is a member of CAST



Bioenergy Conference - “Green” Energy to be Highlighted at December Conference


KIRKSVILLE, MO – Some forms of alternative energy are greener than others.  Algae-derived fuels have garnered a lot of attention of late because of algae’s potential for high oil and biomass production without displacing food crops. Algae also have tremendous potential as bioremediation agents, particularly in sewage, wastewater, and livestock effluent treatment applications, as well the ability to capture carbon dioxide. Opportunities for energy production and bioremediation with algae will be among several topics addressed at a Bioenergy Conference in Kirksville, Missouri on December 4, 2009. Full conference program and registration information are available at


Dr. David E. Brune will be one of eleven featured speakers. Dr. Brune is currently Professor of Bioprocess and Bioenergy at the University of Missouri-Columbia. Prior to his current position, Dr. Brune served 22 years as Professor and Newman Endowed Chair of Natural Resource Engineering at Clemson University in South Carolina. Dr. Brune’s research program encompasses aquaculture, microalgae for waste treatment, bioenergy from fermentation of biomass, and related topics. His work targets biological and physical processes for wastewater treatment and recovery of waste nutrients. He has experience in the development of both low-cost, semi-intensive and super-intensive culture systems for production of shrimp, catfish, and bivalves. Dr. Brune will give two presentations on algae production and energy generation systems.


Dr. Paul Nam, Assistant Professor of Chemistry at Missouri University of Science and Technology will present findings from a pilot study which is utilizing carbon dioxide from the Chamois power plant to grow algae in five 2,500-gallon pools. The oil is extracted for biodiesel and the remaining carbohydrates and proteins can be used for making ethanol and livestock feed.


Attendees will also hear from speakers addressing other bioenergy topics, including biomass handling and logistics, methane digesters, energy policy, alternative oilseeds, and on-farm oilseed processing. The conference will conclude with exhibits and demonstrations at the Truman State University Farm. An optional tour on the afternoon of December 3 will visit methane digesters at the Crystal Peak Fertilizer plant near Green City, MO.


Conference registration is $50 and includes a resource notebook, DVD, lunch, and refreshments. Additionally, a waiver of the registration fee plus a travel scholarship of $200 will be awarded to each of 40 applicants from the target groups of high school and college agriculture faculty and extension personnel who plan to use this information in educational or outreach activities.


Funding for the conference is provided by a Professional Development Program grant from USDA’s North Central Region Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program (NCR-SARE).


Scholarship application deadline is October 30, 2009 and the regular registration deadline is November 6, 2009. For more information contact Michael Seipel at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 660-785-4316.




Here are the listings currently on the website:



University of Arkansas, Dale Bumpers College of Agricultural, Food & Life Sciences / Associate Vice President for Agricultural-Academic Programs


Tennessee Tech University, College of Agricultural and Human Sciences / Assistant Farm Manager


Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service (CSREES) / Integrated Programs Supervisor

Utah State University, Department of Agricultural Systems Technology and Education / Assistant Professor of Agricultural Education


Delaware Valley College / Dean of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences



Dean of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, Delaware Valley College, Doylestown, PA


Position Title: Dean, Agricultural & Environmental Sciences


Delaware Valley College, a regional leader in undergraduate agricultural education, invites applications and nominations for the position of Dean of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences to begin July 1, 2010.


The Dean provides leadership and administrative oversight for a large component of the curriculum including agronomy and environmental sciences, life sciences, dairy science, large animal science, equine studies, horticulture, ornamental horticulture and environmental design, agribusiness, food science and management, animal biotechnology and conservation, and the agricultural production units including the Roth Farm, the college’s living museum and farm.


The successful candidate will possess an advanced degree and, preferably, an earned doctorate in one of the disciplines represented in the academic component and a minimum of five years related experience at the level of chairperson, director, or dean. Applicants must possess the following qualifications: Demonstrated leadership skills; knowledge of current issues in agriculture; excellent communication and interpersonal skills; experience with outcomes assessment, strategic planning, faculty development and evaluation; budget management; experience with related state agencies.


The Dean reports to the Vice President for Academic Affairs and has a prominent institutional role in strategic planning, curriculum development, adult education and online programs, and federal, state and industry relations.  The Dean will continue to move the college forward in areas such as biotechnology, food systems, and environmental restoration and will represent the college on Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture Committees, Task Forces, Councils and Boards.


Submit a letter of application addressing the qualifications and responsibilities stated, a curriculum vitae, and contact information for five references to: Director of Human Resources, Delaware Valley College, 700 East Butler Avenue, Doylestown, PA 18901.  Materials will be accepted and reviewed until the appointment is made.



Two-year Graduate Research Assistantship (M.S.), Department of Soil Science, North Carolina State University


Available: Starting Spring/Summer 2010


Position description: A newly funded project will evaluate soil retention and losses associated with organic and conventional vegetable farming systems under different tillage practices in the Appalachian Mountains of North Carolina.  Student will be responsible for evaluating soil organic matter, cover crop biomass, and soil nitrogen in order to relate changes in soil properties to nutrient and sediment runoff and water quality.  Our lab includes a diverse group of researchers interested in how ecological and organic management techniques affect various aspects of soil quality and fertility. We welcome inquiries from enthusiastic and dedicated individuals with a strong background in soil science, agriculture and/or ecology, minimum GPA 3.0, GRE required.


Experience with sustainable agriculture practices is a plus. Please contact Julie at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information about this opportunity and include your resume or C.V.  For more information about how to apply to the department of Soil Science at NCSU visit; information about our research group can be found at


Julie Grossman, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Soil Fertility Management in Organic Cropping Systems

4235 Williams Hall

North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC  27607





Reminder: Visit the NACTA website for position announcements ( New announcements are continuously being posted and are not always listed in the E-newsletter.

NACTA – Advancing the scholarship of teaching & learning -- Encourage a friend to join and double the membership of NACTA.


Administrative: If you do not wish to continue receiving the NACTA E-Newsletter please send an email to the NACTA secretary/treasurer (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) requesting that your name be removed from the electronic mailing list.