September 2019

A Note of Thanks from Rick and Marilyn Parker 

Part One
If you were unable to attend the 65th Annual NACTA Conference hosted by the College of Southern Idaho located in Twin Falls, Idaho, you missed an exceptional event. NACTA extends its special thanks to Rick and Marilyn Parker for coordinating and hosting the event. Our presence at the College of Southern Idaho allowed us to honor the Parker’s on their “home turf” as they stepped away from their official duties with NACTA.

Part Two 
I vividly remember the conversation with Rick Parker at the 1998 annual conference regarding the future of NACTA. A small group of us challenged each other to make a difference in NACTA. It was a point of transition. Today, NACTA is healthier, it is more professional, it is more robust and vibrant, it is more diverse, and it has gained greater respect in the academy. Many have contributed to the positive changes in NACTA, but few have contributed as much as Rick and Marilyn Parker. Rick and Marilyn have left an indelible mark on NACTA. We are indebted to them for over 20 years of yeoman service to NACTA.

Twenty-five years ago, we could only imagine what NACTA would become. Thanks to the Parker’s, and to others who shared the vision, NACTA is an organization we can all be extremely proud of. The Parker’s hand NACTA to the next generation better than they found it. To the Parker’s we say, “thank you!” Please join me in wishing them the very best.

As a gesture of appreciation to the Parker’s, the Executive Committee unanimously agreed that NACTA will provide the Parker’s with complimentary conference registration when they choose to participate in future annual NACTA conferences.

NACTA Visioning Project 2017
An ad hoc committee of NACTA members was commissioned in February 2017 to conduct a self-study of NACTA. William Nelson, retired President of the CHS Foundation and former NACTA member, was hired by the Executive Committee to lead the group. A final report, “NACTA Transition Blueprint – 2017-2019,” was accepted by the Executive Committee at the mid-year meeting held in November 2017. Mark Russell, NACTA President 2017-2018, implemented working groups around the seven action steps emerging from the study. The final report was shared with NACTA members at the 2018 annual conference held at Iowa State University. Subsequently, Ann Marie VanDerZanden, NACTA President 2018-2019, led the charge to begin addressing the action steps during her tenure as president. The Executive Committee focused initially on the management transition plan (Focus One: Create an Organization That Will Continue to Grow and Progress – pg. 14).

The NACTA Executive Committee’s focus on the management transition plan was prompted by the pending retirements of Rick and Marilyn Parker. After review of proposals submitted by three management firms, the Executive Committee chose JulNet Solutions, LLC to become our new management firm. JulNet, located in Huntington, West Virginia, is owned and operated by Ms. Julie Hewett. Transition of the day-to-day NACTA operations from the Parker’s to JulNet was completed on August 31, 2019. You should experience very little to no difference in the visible interface of NACTA with members and prospective members. In fact, Ms. Hewett has already shared several ideas with the Executive Committee on ways that membership services can be improved in the future. Please join me in welcoming Ms. Hewett to NACTA.

Julie Hewett
JulNet Solutions, LLC
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NACTA Distinguished Educator Award

Do you know a NACTA member who has had an illustrious career in higher education? Someone who has inspired you to continuously improve your teaching? Or someone whose scholarly teaching research has helped you think differently about your teaching, research or outreach efforts. If you have someone in mind, please consider nominating them for the 2020 NACTA Distinguished Educator Award. Nominations are due November 1, 2019. 

To recognize meritorious service to NACTA and to higher education through teaching, educational research, and/or administration.

Nominee must be a current or retired NACTA member and have ten or more years of service to higher education.

Nomination Materials

  • A Letter of Nomination limited to two pages in length. Include content in summary form under the following two headings:
    • Service to and Recognition by the Higher Education Community
    • Service to and Recognition by NACTA
  • Three Letters of Support, each one page in length maximum
  • Nominee’s Vita

Submission Due Date: November 1, 2019

Submit nomination materials via email or hardcopy to:
Ann Marie VanDerZanden
NACTA Immediate Past-President and Chair Distinguished Educator Nominating Committee
Iowa State University
1550 Beardshear Hall
Ames, IA 50011

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Murray Brown NACTA Leadership Award

To recognize one member per year for a distinguished and sustained record of NACTA leadership.

Nominee must be a current or emeritus NACTA member who has served in a leadership role in the organization.

Criteria: Nominations will be accepted from any NACTA member. The President-elect (who shall chair the committee), President, and Past President shall serve as the selection committee and are not eligible for the award during their time of service on the selection committee.

A Letter of Nomination with a maximum of two pages in length documenting the nominee’s exemplary leadership in NACTA.
Three Letters of Support, each one page in length.
Nominee’s Vita.

Recipient will be recognized at the Annual NACTA Conference with a plaque and a cash award supported by the Murray Brown endowment.

Nomination materials must be postmarked on or before November 1st. Please submit materials to: (We do need to get the name and address changed to yours at the NACTA website, rather than Marilyn Parker’s contact information.

Submission Due Date: November 1, 2019

Submit nomination materials via email or hardcopy to:
Marcos Fernandez
NACTA President-Elect and Chair Murray Brown NACTA Leadership Nominating Committee
Purdue University College of Agriculture
615 West State Street, 121 Ag Admin. Bldg.
West Lafayette, Indiana 47907-2053 USA

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Office: 765-494-8472


Are You Willing To Serve? 

Your leadership, your voice, your organization.
Organizational Leadership Position seeking enthusiastic nominees

Office:  President-Elect
Term Length:  3-year commitment (president-elect; president; past-president)
Duties as Described in Bylaws:
The general duties of the President-Elect shall be to: (a) serve in lieu of the President if the President cannot serve; (b) provide assistance and advice to the president as requested; (c) assume the office of President following completion of a one-year term as President-Elect; and (d) chair the Murray Brown Leadership Award Committee.

The general duties of the President shall be to: (a) preside at the annual conference of the North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture and meetings of the Executive Committee; (b) establish ad hoc committees with the approval of the Executive Committee and appoint members to these committees; (c) act as the official representative of the Association unless a representative is otherwise appointed; (d) serve, as appropriate, as an ex-officio member of any committee; (e) ensure that future conference host sites for five years into the future are identified with dates and the contact person listed on the NACTA website; and (f) receive the external audit financial report and provide a copy to the Treasurer

Pro-Tips from Past Leaders:

  • Having the honor of leading a “go to” professional organization and realizing that there are so many talented and dedicated agricultural teachers/leaders that work so hard to make NACTA the success that it is.
  • Promote the tremendous opportunity NACTA provides for faculty, staff, and students to share best practices and promote the scholarship of teaching and learning.
  • Learn the power of working with dedicated member volunteers. Further your collaborative leadership skills and use these in numerous situations on your campus. NACTA is a great place to grow as a leader.

Office:  Regional Director-Elect
Term Length:  2-year commitment (regional director-elect, regional director)
Duties as Described in Bylaws:
The general duties of the Regional Directors- Elect shall be to: (a) become familiar with the duties and activities of the Regional Directors; assist the Regional Directors, (b) assist the Regional Directors in membership recruitment, and (c) serve as members of the Membership and Public Relations Committee.

The general duties of the Regional Directors shall be to: (a) represent NACTA in matters of a regional nature; (b) actively engage in membership recruitment in their region; and (c) serve as members of the Membership and Public Relations Committee.

Both regional director elects and regional directors are members of the NACTA Executive Committee and are expected to attend the monthly (1 hour) online Executive Committee meeting.

Pro-Tips from Past Leaders:
  • This role provides you the opportunity to work with others who want to move the organization forward, which includes sharing the benefits of NACTA with other teachers of agriculture. Not only will you be giving back to an organization that has given much to you, and other professionals, but it gives you the opportunity to impact the future of the organization!
  • The experience I gained from being a NACTA Regional Director has prompted me to do more interdisciplinary educational and research collaborations in my own institution.
  • Through this role I gained lasting contacts and friendships with other NACTA leaders from other institutions (and another country!).
This year we are electing regional director-elects for the Central Region and the Canadian Region. If you are interested in being nominated for one of the regional director-elect positions or the president-elect position, or would like to nominate someone, please contact Ann Marie VanDerZanden, Nominating Committee Chair (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).