October 2021

In this issue:

NACTA Committee Feature: Judging Conference
NACTA Journal Resumes Manuscript Submissions
President Appoints Two Special Committees
Update to Standing Committee Reporting
Upcoming Events and Deadlines
New NACTA Members
Renew or Become a New NACTA Member


NACTA Committee Feature: Judging Conference
Come and “Discover Your Hidden Resource” in the sandhills of western Nebraska at the NACTA 2022 Judging Conference, to be held in North Platte, NE from March 30 – April 2. The Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture is very pleased to be serving as the host of this year’s event with support from the West Central Research and Extension Center.

The schedule of events for the 2022 Judging Conference includes many exciting opportunities to see and learn about agriculture and irrigation in the sandhills of western Nebraska. The Welcome Reception will be held on the evening of March 30, followed by two days of contests and an Awards Banquet on April 2. Organized and elective tours will explore the canal diversion project, Mid America Agri Products, local feed lots and more. “This event is an opportunity (for students and educators) to learn, interact with colleges and universities from across the county, travel to a new region and experience the agriculture in that area,” said Brad Ramsdale, Chair of the NACTA 2022 Judging Conference Committee. “Competing and winning are great but, for me, this is all about the learning experience.”

The conference is open to all 2-year and 4-year schools that have institutional NACTA membership. Contest areas will include a Knowledge Bowl, Agribusiness, Crops, Dairy Judging, Livestock Judging, Soils, Livestock Management, Precision Farming, Ag Communications, Ag Computers, Equine Management, and more. These events are structured based upon the knowledge that all students should already be learning in their studies. Students and teams will compete in either the 2-year or 4-year division, with the ability to compete as an individual or with a team from their institution.

Each year, approximately 30-50 schools and 500-800 students attend the NACTA Judging Conference, representing about a 50/50 split of 2- and 4-year institutions. Students and teams can do a single contest or multiple events as they prefer. Winners of each contest area receive a national title and a unique award created by the host institution.

Registration for the event will open after the first of the year. Keep watch for updates on hotels, tours, contest rules, registration, schedules, etc. at the following website: https://ncta.unl.edu/nacta-2022. If you would like to find out more information about hosting an upcoming NACTA Judging Conference at your institution, reach out to Brad Ramsdale at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


NACTA Journal Resumes Manuscript Submissions
The NACTA Journal is excited to announce the launch of their new manuscript handling platform, Open Journal Systems, which is now active and accepting new manuscripts for publication consideration. As part of this unveiling of new and updated NACTA Journal processes, the Editorial Board has put together a guide for best practices for authors from the first draft to publication. 

NACTA Journal Style
All papers submitted to the NACTA Journal will now be required to follow the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, Seventh Edition. To help prepare your manuscript for submission, we have created a new guideline for authors that includes quick references and best practices that can be used. Please review that document here before submitting your manuscript.

Setting Up Your Manuscript in Word
This video walks you step-by-step through setting up a Word document in APA 7th edition format.

Getting Started in OJS
In this Authoring guide, you will learn about how an author works in OJS from registration through to proofreading the final galley.

Submitting a Manuscript
When you are ready to submit your manuscript to the NACTA Journal, visit www.NACTAJournal.org. The NACTA Journal presents papers on all aspects of teaching, including methods, problems, philosophy and rewards. The Journal offers something for every teacher in agriculture or a related discipline. Whether traditional classroom or extension-related, its primary purpose is to strengthen professional competence in college and adult teaching.

Manuscripts that have previously been submitted through the FastTrack system and are currently in the review or revision process will continue to be handled through FastTrack until December 15, 2021. We are working diligently to get these papers through the final steps and to publication as quickly as possible.

If you have any questions, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


President Appoints Two Special Committees
According to the NACTA Bylaws, Article VII, Section 9 “The President shall have the authority to appoint any special committees to conduct the business of the organization as the need arises, or as directed by the Executive Committee or membership.” Therefore, President Susie Whittington, in consultation with the President’s Council, has appointed an ad hoc Finance Committee, led by Treasurer, Chris Estepp, for 9 months, tasked with:

  • Developing a Standing Bylaws, including the language, for amending the Bylaws and Standing Rules. The language will include selection of and duties of members.
  • Bringing an agenda item to the October Executive Committee meeting to formalize with JulNet the conference planning components of the NACTA contract and associated finances.
  • At the October Executive Committee meeting, Chris Estepp will present a first report of the committee.

In addition, President Whittington has appointed an ad hoc Website Committee, led by Associate Editor of Website Development, OP McCubbins, for approximately 18 months, tasked with:

  • Assessing an appropriate web development platform to best suit the needs of NACTA and its members.
  • Ongoing costs associated with any updates.
  • Determining the content and organization of information on the website and delivery for members, non-members, or both.

Each special committee will commence work immediately. 


Update to Standing Committee Reporting
Beginning in December, Committee Chairs and other NACTA leadership will begin reporting on a rotating, quarterly basis with a much more streamlined reporting system. The quarterly schedule is: 

  • March – Central Region, Foundation/Advisory, Experiential Learning, APLU
  • May – Western Region, Journal Editor/Committee, Global Engagement, NARRU
  • September – Eastern Region, Canadian Region, EITI, Membership/PR
  • December – Southern Region, Judging Conference, Educator Recognition, DTA

The new reporting form, to be submitted before the meeting, will focus on two main items: a report of group activities and a listing of items that might require input or a vote from the Executive Committee. Chairs and group leaders should be looking for more information regarding this new structure before the NACTA Leadership meeting in December.


Upcoming Events and Deadlines
ASA Southern Branch Meeting
Registration and abstract submission are now open!
Deadline to submit abstracts is December3, 2021.
February 12-14, 2022
New Orleans, LA

94th National FFA Convention & Expo
October 27 - 30, 2021
Indianapolis, IN


New NACTA Members

NACTA had 7 new members in the last month. We hope you will join us in welcoming them!  
Ellen Klinger - The Ohio State University
Sung-Jin Lee - North Carolina A&T State University
Dana McCurdy - Clemson University
Katherine McKee - NC State University
Lacie Peterson - Utah State University
Jennifer Thomson - Montana State University
Maud Walsh - Louisiana State University


Renew or Become a New NACTA Member

NACTA is the largest professional development organization that focuses specifically on the scholarship of teaching and learning in agriculture, food and natural resources.

Need to renew your membership? Want to invite a colleague to join? Want to change your membership status? Visit the membership page here.

We appreciate your NACTA membership!