NACTA Updates and Information: January 2011


To encourage better communication throughout NACTA this e-newsletter is sent on a monthly basis. If you have any items of interest to the membership of NACTA, please submit them via email to Rick, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or Marilyn, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

In This Issue:

 * NACTA Conference for 2011

 * Time to Submit Nominations for NACTA Awards Using New Process

 * Membership Renewal Time

 * 2010 Annual Hard Copy of NACTA Journal in the Mail

 * 2011 NACTA Judging Contest

 * Potential Sites for Future NACTA Conferences

* Books Available to Review

     - Note about NACTA Book Reviews

* New on the Website

 * NACTA Facebook

* Writing for the NACTA Journal - Tips

 * Featured Position Announcements:

     - Southern Utah University, Cedar City, Utah Agriculture (Range Ecologist), Assistant/Associate Professor

       - Two Positions at Murray State University, KY


NACTA Conference for 2011

2011 NACTA Conference will be held June 14 - 18, 2011 at University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. The call for abstracts is now on the website. For more details about the Conference keep checking the website being developed at the University of Alberta:


Time to Submit Nominations for NACTA Awards Using New Process

Nominate someone for one or more of the NACTA awards for excellence in postsecondary instruction in agriculture. One of the central purposes of NACTA is to recognize those individuals whose efforts represent the very best in agricultural higher education. Thus, NACTA seeks to inspire all of us to achieve the highest levels of excellence. At the same time, NACTA seeks to encourage these colleagues to share with us their methods of achieving excellence. ·The nominator does not have to be from the same institution as the nominee, but the nominator should contact the nominee's Department Chair as a professional courtesy.


New instructions: Submit all award nominations online at


For each nominee, upload one single PDF file  that includes all nomination materials (all document, letters of support, teaching evaluations and other relevant documents) at the website by 11:59 PM on March 1st.


We will only accept one PDF file for each nomination, and the website will not combine your materials into one file if you upload multiple files for each nominee. Evaluations of all nominees will be conducted  through the website and neither the Teacher Recognition Committee nor the evaluators will be able to put multiple files together for one nominee, and your file will look incomplete.


Visit the website at for information on how to upload your files. If you haven't used this website before, you will need to create your own id and password. If you have any problem uploading files, contact Rick Parker at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Prasanta Kalita at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Thank you.


For complete nomination information:



Membership Renewal Time

Believe it or not, it’s time to renew your NACTA membership for 2011. If you do not renew your membership you will no longer have access to the current issues of the NACTA Journal online. Also you will not receive the annual hard copy of Volume 55 of the NACTA Journal. Membership forms can be found on the website "Featured links."


Help NACTA grow. Remember that you could double the membership of NACTA if you encouraged one associate to join at the time you renew your membership. Make a copy of the form and encourage someone else to join! Also, please don't share your user name and password.



2010 Annual Hard Copy of NACTA Journal in the Mail

The 2010 NACTA Journal annual hard copy of volume 54, issues 1 - 4 is being printed by The Sheridan Press in Hanover, PA and it will be mailed to all individuals who were members of NACTA during 2010. Additional copies can be purchased for $40.00, which includes shipping. To purchase extra copies of the annual issue contact the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


The September and December NACTA Journals are online and current members (with user name and password) can download at read at Older issues of the NACTA Journal are available to anyone at, eventually all issue of the Journal will be on the website. All issues of the Journal are searchable.



2011 NACTA Judging Contest

The 2011 NACTA Judging Contest will be held at Modesto Junior College, Modesto, CA, April 14 - 16. Modesto Junior College (MJC) is proud to host the annual NACTA Judging Conference. MJC has two campuses, and several off campus "living laboratories" including the Beckwith Ranch. The individual contest locations will be announced closer to the date. Directions to MJC can be found through the link below.


Modesto Junior College - East Campus

435 College Ave.

Modesto, CA 95354

(209) 575-6200 - Fax (209) 575-6199

Map to location


For registration questions: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


For updated information:



Potential Sites for Future NACTA Conferences

The NACTA Executive Committee will begin reviewing potential sites for the 2013, 2014 and 2015 national conferences during the Fall Executive Committee meeting. Institutions wanting to host the national conference in one of those years should send a one-page letter of interest to the NACTA President, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..



Books Available to Review

Currently, the NACTA Journal Editor has the following books available for review:


Fundamentals of Pharmacology for Veterinary Technicians, 2nd Ed. (2010) by Janet Amundson Romich, Delmar, Cengage Learning, Clifton Park, NY


Restraint and Handling for Veterinary Technicians and Assistants (2009) by Bonnie Ballard and Jody Rocket, Delmar, Cengage Learning, Clifton Park, NY


Ornamental Horticulture: Science, Operations and Management, 4th Ed. (2010) by Jack E. Ingels, Delmar, Cengage Learning, Clifton Park, NY


If you are willing to review one of these books send an email to Rick Parker (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) and he will send you the book. The reviews are published in the NACTA Journal and the book is yours to keep after the review.


: This will be the last attempt at soliciting readers for a list of books to review. All of the changes that come with digital media seem to have put and end to the need for book reviews to be solicited from a list. The NACTA Journal will continue to publish unsolicited book reviews from member who wish submit their review through the NACTA Journal submission site ( In the "Notes" add the words "Book Review."



New on the Website

We are trying to make the new website the main communication and public relations tool of NACTA. Check out the items recently added to the website:

* Archived websites from past NACTA Conferences

* PDFs of poster and oral poster presentations at the 2010 NACTA/SERD Conference

* Current issues of the NACTA Journal -- a new feature now with a search function.

* Calendar of events for many organizations

* A "creativity curriculum" and a report on service learning

If you have ideas for items that should be posted on the website, please email the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..



NACTA on Facebook

Find us on Facebook. Leave us a comment on our "wall." We have 111 people who "like" NACTA -- slow but steady progress. Of those people who "like" NACTA 60 are active monthly users.


Writing for the NACTA Journal - Tips

An updated copy of the "Instructions for Authors" is available as a Featured link on the website. Please read this before submitting a manuscript.


Featured Position Announcements


Southern Utah University, Cedar City, Utah Agriculture (Range Ecologist), Assistant/Associate Professor (Tenure-track)


This is a full-time, 9-month, tenure-track position to begin August 16, 2011.


Qualifications: Ph.D. in Natural Resources or Range Management. Applied experience preferred. Adult extension or college-level teaching preferred. Experience/education to teach/supervise/mentor: Introductory Range Management with lab, Introduction to Natural Resources, Natural Resources Management, Wild Land Plant Identification with lab, Wild Land Ecology, Wild Land Restoration with lab, Agriculture Leadership and Seminar, Experiential learning activities


For details use the direct link at , to apply click on “Apply for this posting”. All applicants MUST apply online. Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 435-586-7754. Salary is commensurate with qualifications & experience; excellent benefits. First consideration of applications begins February 18, 2011; open until filled.


Southern Utah University, a regional university with an enrollment of over 7,500 students, is located in Cedar City, Utah. Surrounded by national parks, monuments, forests and wilderness areas that draw millions of visitors annually from around the world, it is only 40 minutes from great snow skiing and year-round golfing, as well as 21/2 hours away from Las Vegas and 3 ½ hours from Salt Lake City.


Two Positions at Murray State University, KY


Assistant/Associate Professor in Agriculture Education, Department of Agriculture Science, Murray State University, Murray, Kentucky. This is a 12 month position with responsibilities in teaching, service and research in the School of Agriculture. Murray State University is a regional institution in Murray, KY, with 10, 416 students of which 770 are in the School of Agriculture. The School of Agriculture has three departments – Agriculture Science, Animal Equine Science and Pre-Vet/Vet-Tech. The Agriculture Science Department consists of Agriculture Education, Agriculture Science, Agriculture Systems Technology, Horticulture, Agronomy, and Agriculture Business. There are currently four university farms within a 3 mile radius of the main campus.


Qualifications: For assistant professor - Candidates must have minimum of 3 years successful teaching experience at secondary level, earned masters and PhD in agricultural education or closely related field. Candidates with an ABD and documented plan of completion by end of fall 2011 semester will be considered. For associate professor – all of above plus 6 years of documented successful teaching, service and research at collegiate level, prefer candidates who have experience working with graduate students and graduate programs.


Responsibilities: The successful candidate will be responsible for developing and teaching undergraduate and graduate agricultural education curriculum; assisting with recruitment and advising; supervising students, teachers and interns; participating in community service, scholarly and research activities; establishing positive rapport with regional secondary agriculture teachers; conducting field days and contests; serving on committees and taking active roles in providing support and leadership to agriculture.


Application Deadline: January 31, 2011, or until a qualified applicant is found

To Apply: Please visit


Assistant Professor – Agriculture Systems Technology, Department of Agriculture Science, Murray State University. This is a 9 month position with responsibilities in teaching, service and research in the School of Agriculture.


Qualifications: Candidates must have minimum of 3 years successful teaching experience, earned master’s and doctorate in agricultural systems technology or closely related field. Candidates with an ABD and documented plan of completion by end of fall 2011 semester will be considered.


Responsibilities: The successful candidate will be responsible for developing and teaching undergraduate and graduate agricultural systems technology curriculum such as metal work, tractor, combines and field implements, buildings and construction, electricity, and agriculture processing. Individual must assist with recruitment and advising; participate in community service, scholarly and research activities; establish rapport with regional agriculture systems industry leaders; conduct field days and contests; serve on committees and take active roles in providing support and leadership to agriculture. Teaching methods must emphasize hands-on, practical educational learning.

Application Deadline: March 4, 2011


To Apply: Please visit



Reminder: Visit the NACTA website for position announcements ( New announcements are continuously being posted and are not always listed in the E-newsletter.

NACTA – Advancing the scholarship of teaching & learning -- Encourage a friend to join and double the membership of NACTA.
