Utilizing a variety of instructional approaches in undergraduate education provides an opportunity to explore the complexity of student learning. The use of instructional approaches including traditional lectures, guest speakers as professional resources, experiential learning approaches requiring students to apply knowledge, and student-led learning experiences are all potential options for educators. Operationalizing optimal experience using the EduFlow model is one way to better analyze instructional approaches and learning where students: (1) have cognitive assimilation in the content being taught; (2) feel as though time is going quickly or being transformed during learning; (3) feel a loss of self-consciousness during the learning experience; and 4) perceive learning as an autotelic experience or the perception related to happiness in the excitement of the moment. The purpose of this research was to determine if there were differences between different instructional approaches and optimal experience constructs using the EduFlow model. Results indicate that leadership lectures, youth educational guest speakers, experiential learning lessons, and student-led experiences were likely to be associated with optimal experiences by learners. The authors recommend further research associated with specific types of nonprofit lectures, guest speaker traits, experiential learning frameworks, and student-led experiences.Utilizing a variety of instructional approaches in undergraduate education provides an opportunity to explore the complexity of student learning. The use of instructional approaches including traditional lectures, guest speakers as professional resources, experiential learning approaches requiring students to apply knowledge, and student-led learning experiences are all potential options for educators. Operationalizing optimal experience using the EduFlow model is one way to better analyze instructional approaches and learning where students: (1) have cognitive assimilation in the content being taught; (2) feel as though time is going quickly or being transformed during learning; (3) feel a loss of self-consciousness during the learning experience; and 4) perceive learning as an autotelic experience or the perception related to happiness in the excitement of the moment. The purpose of this research was to determine if there were differences between different instructional approaches and optimal experience constructs using the EduFlow model. Results indicate that leadership lectures, youth educational guest speakers, experiential learning lessons, and student-led experiences were likely to be associated with optimal experiences by learners. The authors recommend further research associated with specific types of nonprofit lectures, guest speaker traits, experiential learning frameworks, and student-led experiences.

Keywords: EduFlow, optimal experience, flow theory, nonprofit

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