NACTA Updates and Information: January 2010


To encourage better communication throughout NACTA this e-newsletter is sent on a monthly basis. If you have any items of interest to the membership of NACTA, please submit them via email to Rick, NACTA Journal Editor (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), or Marilyn, NACTA Secretary-Treasurer (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

In This Issue:

  • 2010 Calendar
  • Membership Renewal Time
  • NACTA Judging Conference
  • NACTA/SERD 2010 Call for Abstracts
  • 2010 NACTA Conference and Awards
  • NACTA International Committee Survey Request
  • Opportunities to Submit to the NACTA Journal
  • Book Reviews
  • Subject Matter Experts Needed
  • New NACTA Website
  • NEW FEATURE: Writing for the NACTA Journal - Tips
  • Position Announcements (Listings from the NACTA Website)
  • New Listings:
  1. Master’s Level Assistantship Opportunities in Environmental Education and Leadership at The University of Georgia
  2. Rodale Institute seeks Director of Research
  3. Kansas State University, College of Agriculture, Assistant Dean


2010 Calendar


- February 9 - 11, World Ag Expo, International Agri-Center, Tulare, CA,

- March 14 - 20, National Ag Week,

- March 17 - 20, National PAS Conference, St. Louis,

- April 15 - 17, NACTA Judging Conference, Redlands Community College, El Reno, OK

- June 22 - 25, NACTA/SERD Annual Conference at Pennsylvania State University,

- August 2 - 4, HR Roundtable in Minnetonka, MN,



If you have items for the calendar that are of interest to the members of NACTA, please email them to either the editor or the secretary.



Membership Renewal Time

It’s time to renew your NACTA membership for 2010. Help NACTA grow. Remember that you could double the membership of NACTA if you encouraged one associate to join at the time you renew your membership. Membership forms can be found on the website under  "News-Discover ways you can help NACTA grow." Make a copy of the form and encourage someone else to join!

NACTA Judging Conference


The annual NACTA Judging Conference is being hosted at Redlands Community College in El Reno, OK, April 15-17, 2010. The contest that will be hosted includes: Ag Business Management, Computer Applications, Crops, Dairy, Horse Judging, Livestock, Quiz Bowl, and Soils.

For registration questions:

Annie Pearson

COE Conference Facilitator



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For general questions:

Cynthia Patterson

Administrative Assistant


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For complete details go to the NACTA Judging Conference website.



NACTA/SERD 2010 Call for Abstracts


The 2010 NACTA conference will be held at Penn State University, June 22 – 25. This conference will be a joint meeting with National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA), Science and Education Resources Development (SERD) unit. The theme for the 2010 NACTA/SERD Conference is “Collaborate, Communicate, Celebrate.”


Accepted abstracts that address the theme will be given first priority for oral presentations. This year we can schedule approximately 80 oral presentations and 84 poster presentations. Authors will be given the option to request oral presentation, but it will be up to the host committee to select the 84 oral presentations from those who requested oral presentation format. All others will be poster presentations.


All abstracts must be submitted at this website:


If you have any questions contact the NACTA Journal Editor, Rick Parker, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Deadline: March 20, 2010. The author submitting the abstract will be notified of its status within three weeks of its submission.



2010 NACTA Conference and Awards


Now is the time to start planning for the 2010 NACTA Conference June 22 – 25 at Pennsylvania State University, “Collaborate, Communicate, Celebrate.” Abstracts for the conference are due March 20, 2010 (just two months away), so plan ahead.


NACTA offers many awards that recognize excellence in the scholarship of teaching and learning. The NACTA Teaching Awards Nomination processes are now on the new website. The Award nomination process needs to be completed by March 1, 2010 for an individual to receive an award at the Penn State Conference in June.


You can view and download photos taken at the 2009 NACTA/SERD Conference at this URL: .This website contains a number of photos from past NACTA conferences. Also you can find examples of posters from past NACTA Conferences.


Watch the PSU website for more details:



NACTA International Committee Survey Request


The International Committee - Dr Phil Hamilton - is reopening the survey. Please complete as much as possible and do not worry about what you are not able to answer. All information collected should help out those of us who are trying to create a better globalization environment on our campuses. If you have already completed the survey then you do not need to complete the survey again


The 21st Century is bringing many changes, including globalization of markets, economies, and even higher education. Members of NACTA will be better prepared to embrace the advantages of globalizing their own institutions by sharing with their colleagues across the country the types of international involvement that is occurring on other campuses.


NACTA’s International Committee is asking that you complete the survey on how your institution is currently globalized. By comparing our programs with peer institutions across the country, proven ideas can be replicated and collaborations occur as we discover new globalization possibilities. The survey will only take a few minutes to complete and can be accessed at the following link:



Opportunities to Submit to the NACTA Journal


You can help make the NACTA Journal better by taking advantage of the many opportunities to submit. The NACTA on Campus section is always looking to recognize members of NACTA or the institutions of NACTA that have achieved something notable. Submit these items directly to the Editor.


Teaching Tips/Notes are welcome. These are short articles of 500 to 1500 words that provide some insight into teaching help to others. These are not reviewed and the turnaround can be rather quick. Teaching Tips/Notes are submitted through the FastTrack system ( with a note indicating “Teaching Tip/Note.”


For many years now book reviews have been an important feature of the Journal. We try to publish six reviews in each issue. Books to review can be obtained through Greg Pillar (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) - (or sometimes the Editor - see below). Also, if you are aware of or are using a new book that you would like to review you can submit a review of it. Guidelines for reviews can be obtained from the Editor. Book reviews are also submitted through the FastTrack system ( with a note indicating “Book Review.”



Books Available to Review


Currently, the NACTA Journal Editor has the following book available for review:


  1. William H. Miner: the Man and the Myth, (2009) by Joseph C. Burke, Langdon Street Press


If you are willing to review this book send an email to Rick Parker (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) and he will send you the book. The reviews are published in the NACTA Journal and the books are yours to keep after the review.



Subject Matter Experts Needed


Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) are needed to help formulate national certification examinations for the following: introductory animal science, introductory plant science, and geospatial technician. This is a joint project of AgrowKnowledge, a national resource center  and NOCTI. SMEs evaluate examination content and compare to content standards (objectives/competencies). SMEs also help develop examination content. SMEs receive a stipend for their work. If you are interested in being an SME, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

New NACTA Website

The old website is the new website. It is completely redone and redesigned. The new website is the new communication tool for members of NACTA and those interested in NACTA. It also  links directly to electronic issues of the NACTA Journal on FastPress ( and to our manuscript submission site ( We are certain that you will be pleased with NACTA's new look on its new website. Check it out and submit any suggestions that you might have. Forward any content that you would like on the website to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..



NEW FEATURE: Writing for the NACTA Journal - Tips


This section of the E-newsletter will feature helpful tips on preparing a manuscript for the NACTA Journal. All of the information featured here is available in the "Instructions for NACTA Authors" which can be downloaded from the NACTA website.


After reviewing several hundred manuscripts here are the most common faults found by the editor:


  • Wordiness (It should be noted that; It is recommended that; It is noteworthy that; etc.). Careful condensing of a manuscript makes the reading more enjoyable and the comprehension better. (Concise writing is time consuming. Mark Twain said: “I didn't have time to write a short letter, so I wrote a long one instead.”)
  • Inconsistency in format; for example author starts by using the word "percent" after a number and then midway through the paper the begins using %. (According to the "Instructions for NACTA Authors" the symbol [%] should be used when associated with a number that does not begin a sentence.)
  • Citation format for more than two authors. This should be the first author's last name followed by et al., and the year. Like this: Gough et al., 2009




Here are the listings currently on the website:


  Montana State University / Assistant Professor of Landscape Design

  Tarleton State University / Department Head Position-Animal Science

  Tarleton State University / Department Head Position-Agricultural Services & Development

  Western Illinois University / Assistant Professor-Urban Forestry

  Western Illinois University / Assistant Professor-Agricultural Marketing

  College of the Ozarks / Agriculture Teaching and Assistant Dairy Farm Manager

  College of the Ozarks / Full-time Agricultural Teacher and Feed Mill Manager

  Texas A&M University / Assistant Professor - Department of Agricultural Leadership, Education, & Communications



Master’s Level Assistantship Opportunities in Environmental Education and Leadership at The University of Georgia

The Department of Agricultural Leadership, Education, and Communication at the University of Georgia is pleased to announce the availability of two Master’s level assistantships beginning July, 2010. The successful candidates will…


ü Work with faculty to develop and co-teach an undergraduate course, Communication and Leadership in Practice, designed to serve as an outdoor-based compliment to traditional classroom-based public speaking courses.

ü Collaborate with other graduate students in the Department of Forest Resources and Environmental Conservation at Virginia Tech to develop communication and leadership skills in undergraduate students majoring in the natural resources.

ü Teach urban high school students from Washington, DC and Atlanta, GA through outdoor field-based data collection experiences (travel provided).

ü Assist in the preparation of a recruitment video showcasing natural resource and agricultural communication majors.

To Apply:

Please send a current resume, the contact information for three professional references, and a 2-page (double-spaced) personal statement describing your experience with (a) teaching, (b) working with high school youth, and (c) video technology to:


Dr. Nick Fuhrman

Assistant Professor

Dept. of Agricultural Leadership, Education, and Communication

University of Georgia

116 Four Towers Building

Athens, Georgia 30602



Rodale Institute seeks Director of Research


The Rodale Institute, founded by organic agriculture pioneer J.I.Rodale, is a non-profit organization dedicated to regenerative organic agriculture research and outreach to farmers, policymakers, and the general public. The Institute is based on a 333-acre farm in Kutztown, PA. Research is centered on the Farming Systems Trial(r), founded in 1981, an ongoing comparison of organic versus conventional farming.


Additional on-site projects include weed and fertility management in standard till and no-till organic vegetable and grain crop production, integrated livestock systems, biocontrol of black cutworm, long-term mycorrhizal exclusion plots, and a constructed wetlands project.


Additionally, an off-site organic agriculture research and development project in South Africa is planned to begin in 2010.


The Institute seeks a PhD-level scientist with ecological, soil-focused training to direct institutional research. The position is a scientific leadership role requiring dedication to scientific process, organizational and management duties necessary to run a comprehensive research department.


This is a great opportunity for the research director to build and grow a research team, which currently includes three other researchers and several seasonal field technicians.


Application deadline: Feb. 5, 2010.





Kansas State University, College of Agriculture, Assistant Dean


The Academic Programs Office in the College of Agriculture is seeking to fill a full-time assistant dean position with responsibilities that include the development and coordination of student recruitment strategy and activities and providing leadership to the college marketing efforts, coordinating new student orientation and enrollment, teaching general agriculture courses and courses related to the Honors and Scholars programs, coordinating community college transfer course evaluation, managing the reinstatement process and Academic Standards committee, advising Ag Ambassadors, coordinating the Ag Alumni Ag Backers program, advising general agriculture students, helping to create an environment that fosters diversity and inclusiveness in the college and assisting with College of Agriculture Academic Program activities. The individual must possess B.S. and M.S. degrees  with at least one degree in an agricultural field, excellent written and verbal communication skills, the ability to multi-task, a minimum of two years of successful experience in providing college student services, proven record in student recruitment activities, a team attitude, a commitment to enhancing the diversity of the college, the ability to work in a multi-cultural environment, and commitment to the mission and goals of the College of Agriculture.


Candidates should provide letter of application, a current resume or vita, and the contact information for three work-related references. Review of applications will begin February 22, 2010 and will continue until a successful candidate is identified. Anticipated starting date is June 1, 2010.

Applications should be sent electronically to Monica Cohen at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .


Kansas State University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer and actively seeks diversity among its employees.  Background check required.


The selection process will begin March 1, 2010 and will continue until two successful candidates are selected.  If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Dr. Fuhrman at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or (706) 542-8828.