After an extensive review of the literature, Dubin and Taveggia concluded that "we cannot claim superiority for any among the different teaching methods used to convey subject matter" (2). This paradox between teaching and learning is related, in part, to the fact that each class is composed of earners with different aptitudes for learning. Some students learn best with one method, others learn best with other methods. Any particular teaching method tends to produce grades that are somewhat normally distributed. When the teaching method is changed, there tends to be a similar grade distribution, however, the grades that individual students receive may change. If, on the orher hand, a class is given a variety of opportunities to master or learn the material, more students are likely to earn high grades. This happened with the integrated experience approach to learning developed by Postlethwait, et al. (3). Increased learning with audio-tutorial programs has been expressed in a need to upgrade courses that normally follow in the same subject matter area.
improving learning, mastery learning