
This article describes the instructional improvement activities of the College of Agriculture, University of Minnesota, during the years 1971-76. Based upon the belief that an already good instructional program could be made even better by encouraging and supporting the development of individual faculty members, strategies for accomplishing this were devised. These strategies included efforts to bring faculty members together to study and discuss teaching, to seek fresh ideas from outside the College, to take the program of instructional improvement to the teachers, and to provide tangible reward to those who were making gains. Examples of these activities of the program include off-campus instructional retreats, "brown-bag" discussion groups, special college-wide seminars, travel-study grants to individual teachers, projects funded by the University Educational Development Program, and assistance provided by the College of Education. Plans are to continue the program, with modifications made to permit more in-depth study and work on specific projects by small groups of teachers.



instructional improvement

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