Today I want to do some exciting things for you. I want to help you learn more from others, become better informed and more sophisticated, and be liked and respected by all who talk to you. I also want to help you become more dependable, spare your many embarrassments, and enable you to meet the needs of other people. You may wonder how one person can give you all these benefits in a two-hour seminar when you have been seeking to achieve them for the past twenty or more years! Yet, I guarantee that if you listen to, and conscientiously apply the information which I share with you today, you will improve tremendously in these areas of human interaction. How can I possibly give all of these tremendous benefits to you? I plan to discuss nonverbal communication. I will explore briefly some background literature on nonverbal communication to develop a theory base from which to evaluate and understand some suggestions for improving your nonberbal communication. Then I will make some specific suggestions for use in your classroom, office space, and personal listening behavior. I must caution that the research in this field is voluminous. I will focus on only a limited number of areas and present a somewhat oversimplified view of the available information. I trust you will seek further information in areas not clearly explained or in which you develop an interest as a result of our time together.
communication, speaking