
Students in the College of Agriculture and Home Economics at New Mexico State University were surveyed during the fall, 1979, about their perceptions of characteristics of a good college classroom teacher. Characteristics mentioned most frequently were "Presents well organized notes and lecture," "Answers your questions and does not embarrass you, " "Is interested in teaching, " "Knows the materials, " "Is interesting. " "Can relate to the student." "Goes over important infirmation." "Has the ability to get the information across," "Adds new information to the class," "Gives clear explanations." "Speaks clearly, " "Helps students when asked," and "Personally knows students' first names.

The students also identified faculty charateristics that contribute to good student-professor relationships: "Is concerned about students," "Is friendly, talks to you in and out of class." "Helps you when you need it," "Shows respect for students." "Answers questions gladly." "Is honest with students," "Knows you on a personal basis." "Lets you have your say," "Is available after class." "Will not insult students." "Has patience," "Informs students about their subject," "Is not so strict." "Enjoys teaching." and "Tells students where they are according to their grades."

The main identified characteristics of a good student advisor were "Helps you pick out classes towards your major." "Helps you meet your requirements." "Helps you with problems (personal and academic)." "Is honest." "Is understanding." "Is up-to-date," "Is concerned about students," "Checks up on your grades and files, " "Knows students personally," "Guides students to graduation." "Takes time to visit with you." Lets you know where you stand (requirements and grades)," and "Goes over your records with you."



good teacher, teacher characteristics

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