
Several recent developments highlight the importance of international development to the agricultural economics profession. Among the more significant are 1) the award of the 1979 Nobel Peace Prize to Theodore Schultz and Sir Arthur Lewis for their efforts in development; 2) emphasis given to the field by the American Agricultural Economics Association (AAEA) meetings in 1980 and 1982: 3) the recently completed global study of the International Committee of the AAEA (Feinup and Riley) demonstrating the priority accorded internationally to education and training in our profession; 4) the rapidly growing respect for, and professional contribution of the International Association of Agricultural Economists (IAAE), especially as a result of the Nairobi and Banff meetings and the one scheduled for Jakarta this year; and finally 5) continued increases in the number and size of multidisciplinary development programs abroad which mandate a partnership between agricultural scientists and agricultural economists.



international agriculture

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