Teachers at the undergraduate level in colleges of agriculture must be alert for instructional techniques that stimulate student interest, convey more content, or both. This is particularly true when previous methods cease to be cost-or time-effective. In the 1970's the traditional use of fieldtrips to representative study farms and agribusiness firms began to appear deficient in both regards. Rising petroleum prices meant that students had to pay for the full-day trip, which, because of the distances involved, only allowed them an hour of net interview time with the farmer and a half-hour with the manager of the agribusiness. Other classes that day had to be sacrificed. Frequently inclement weather distracted minds. There were perennial problems of collecting the fees from the student. The question became, "Is there an alternative instructional medium that will be of at least as great interest and educational value, cost less per student contact hour, and take less time?"
teleconferences, farm management course