Colleges and universities rely on American College Test (ACT) scores and High School Percentile Rank (HSPR) in screening students for academic and scholastic successes in college work.
This study was conducted to (a) determine whether students with high ACT scores, high High School Percentile Rankings (HSPR), and high cumulative college grade point averages (CPGA's) were earning the highest crop science course grades and (b) to find out whether there was any association between HSPR, ACT, gender, college major, and CGPA for Beginning Crop Science students.
Final course letter grades of 199 students enrolled in the introductory crop science classes during the Fall of 1981 and the Spring of 1982 were related to composite ACT scores, high school percentile rank, cumulative grade point average, college major, gender, and college class.
Seniors earn fewer A grades than other classes. Fewer males than females rank in the 90-99 high school percentile group. A higher component of enrollees with high HSPR's compared to those with low rank: (a) scored higher in the American College Test, (b) earned more ''A "grades, and c) earned high cumulative grade point averages. More enrollees with superior cumulative grade point averages (a) scored higher in ACT and (b) earned more "A"grades than those with low CGPA 's. More enrollees with superior ACT scores earned "A" grades than those with low ACT scores. The student's major had no significant effect on academic performance. The high school percentile rank, ACT score, and college cumulative grade point averages of enrollees are good predictors of scholastic success in introductory crop sciences student performance. The credibility and reliability of the use of ACT scores and HSPR in determining success in college introductory crop science course work are upheld and sustained.
academic background, student performance, crop science, ACT, HSPR