The "world food situation" was developed as the theme for a three day lesson entitled "Introduction to Poultry Science" in Poultry Science 202 at the University of Georgia. The objectives were: 1) to understand the magnitude of the world food situation 2) to understarld the involvement of public policy in this issue and 3) to understand the role of the development of poultry science and the poultry industry in providing high quality low cost food for the world. On the first day a slide tape was presented that described the problem of world hunger and discussed the involvement of public policy in this issue. This was followed by a discussion of the involvement of public policy in the development of the Land Grant College System. The second day continued with a discussion of how Poultry Science Departments function in this system and the contribution made by scientists in these departments. On the final day, there was a discussion of the economic importance of the poultry industry to Georgia and the United States. A slide-tape program presented at the end of the third day demonstrated the involvement of the poultry industry in feeding the world. A quiz was given on the fourth class day. Verbal response of the class at the end of the lesson and written evaluation at the end of the course indicated that the objectives of the lesson were met. Analysis of grades indicated that this lesson had little effect on the final course grade.
world food, poultry science, public policy, lesson theme