I am pleased to be asked to serve on this afternoon's program to address the topic of job placement, especially sharing some thoughts on helping the student find the job. Perhaps a personal illustration will set the stage most appropriately for my remarks. As a child, I often had a difficult time with simple motor skills. This created great frustration for public school and Sunday school teachers. Coloring within the lines didn't seem particularly important and free-hand drawings were a disaster. I could run, throw a baseball, a football or shoot a basketball with a fair amount of accuracy, but the simple skills seemed to frustrate me and those who seemed to place a greater importance on them than I did. There was one simple skill related to drawing that I enjoyed however and that was the dot-to-dot exercise. You all remember those books I'm sure and in fact have probably purchased them for your children to occupy their time while the family takes long trips across the country. It was always a challenge to connect in sequence the dots and then amazingly to see the result: a fish, a bird, a tree, or whatever. As I was assembling my thoughts for this presentation, my memory went back to this exercise because helping the student find a job seems to me to parallel the dot-to-dot process. That is connecting the dots or points to remember until at last a complete picture emerges: the job.
getting a job, job search strategy, job interview, job expectations