Many health experts support the hypothesis that chronic negative lifestyles are the leading cause of illness today. Industries' acute awareness of this predicament has caused them to seek strategies to help preserve their most important asset, the employee (Baun & Baun, 1984). This is sound business practice. Poor health of American employees is costly. In 1977, American businesses and industry lost an estimated $25 billion in premature deaths and $3 billion in illness of employees. Heart attacks alone caused a loss of 132 million workdays. It costs a company $500,000 to replace a key executive of age 50 earning $100,000 per year. The average firm faces an annual increase of 12 to 14% in health care costs. Poor fitness, identified as the culprit, has raised costs which in turn have decreased industrial profits. Insurance represents the single largest growing cost factor in corporations (Maryk, 1982).
exercise in academic environment, health