
Teaching an effective livestock marketing course has been and continues to be a difficult task because of the rapidity of change in markets and market structure. For example, in 1983, just five years ago, no one was predicting a consolidation in the meat packing industry such as we have today. The effects of this consolidation have changed the way cattle are marketed and the strategies used to defer risk in livestock operations. Ongoing changes in consumer attitudes and lifestyles will undoubtedly cause further adjustments in our marketing methods. A livestock marketing course for senior level students must be one that provides them with the knowledge they need to responsibly market their product. Thus, a livestock marketing course must contain realism, practicality, foresight, and a technical knowledge of cash and futures markets. Because students usually have little or no background experience in livestock marketing, fundamental concepts must be taught as well as the more sophisticated techniques of risk management. A new livestock marketing course has been developed at Texas A&M to accomplish this objectives. The format of that course is discussed in this paper.



senior livestock marketing course, Texas A&M

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