One of the most common decisions facing recent graduates with advanced degrees is whether to remain in academia or seek employment with private industry. Those who have had a pleasant teaching experience (and perhaps those who have not) during their graduate program, may wish to pursue a teaching, teaching-research, or teaching-extension appointment. A part of this choice is the dilemma of choosing between a land grant versus a non-land grant institution. Based upon several years of teaching experience, the authors offer some personal observations and viewpoints regarding some of the advantages and disadvantages of teaching at both types of institutions. Since most agricultural scientists holding the Ph.D. are products of the land grant system in the U.S., it is assumed that some degree of familiarity exists for most readers regarding the types of appointments within that system. Thus, the major focus of this manuscript is on teaching positions at non-land grant schools. It is hoped that discussion will lend insight as to which type of institution would best fit the personality, goals, and aspirations of an individual faced with such a choice. Comments and opinions of the authors are based on experiences while teaching at the University of Southwestern Louisiana, Sam Houston State University, Oklahoma State University, and Texas A and M University.
non-land grant universities, faculty assignments