The number of poultry faculty positions has gone down in many universities across the United States. This loss of positions has not come without warning (Reynells, 1988). A decline of teaching positions can probably be linked with a reduction in student numbers (Pescatore, 1988). To improve student numbers an active recruiting program may be needed, or at least efforts may need to be directed toward prospective students to acquaint them with industry needs. To improve success in recruiting efforts it may be appropriate that members of particular youth groups be targeted. Bradley (1988) suggested that a majority of students majoring in poultry science have a farm, 4-H, or Future Farmers of America background. University teaching programs are usually reviewed in reference to declining student numbers, however, since research is also a vital university function it must be considered a factor in the loss of poultry positions (Cook, 1988). Another university function, extension education, should also be addressed in reference to meeting industry needs and determining what the employment needs of the industry are and may be in the future. Smith (1988) suggested that extension may need to move away from production oriented programs and provide more focus on the area of public policy.
poultry faculty, poultry departments