
In an earlier NACTA Journal article, Johnson, Zimmerman, Plokma, and Brooker (March 1993) wrote about the many ways that the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is used on the campus of The Ohio State University Agricultural Technical Institute (OSU/ATI), a two-year technical college ofabout 600 students. In this article, the authors will 1) summarize the MBTl results for incoming students who participated in the 1991 and 1992 Freshman Orientation Program and for the second year Engineering Technologies Division (ETD) students enrolled in four sections (1990-1993) of a required problem solving course, 2) compare the OSU/ATI student results with those for students at other colleges. 3) compare ETD student results with the OSU/ATI student results, 4) compare the OSU/ATI student results with MBTI results for OSUI AT1 faculty. 5) compare the OSU/ATI faculty results with those for faculty at other colleges, and 6) discuss implications of the results in terms of the teaching/learning process.

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