
Departmental courses and curriculum are a complicated network. As in any other complex system the linkages create a situation where each part is very dependent on the other and a change in one component influences all others. In 1987, the Animal Science Department University of Nebraska completed an intensive self-study and external review and several key issues faced the department. To address the curriculum issues the faculty embarked on a curriculum development process.

When the curriculum development process was completed in 1989, 11 new courses were offered and all but 7 of the 38 previously offered courses were deleted or had major revisions. In addition, methods were developed to include communication competency, problem solving, and awareness of societal issues in the curriculum. Furthermore, a method to allow students flexibility in designing areas of specialization was developed. The purpose of this article is to describe the process used by the department and provide the learning concepts and goals that were developed and served as the foundation for building the curriculum.



curriculum development, animal science course

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