An animal science discovery course designed to facilitate the transition of first year students to the university. Introduce students to current technology and stimulate their curiosity arid excitement about the field, and provide a more complete understanding of the career options available to them, was developed and taught. Animal Sciences 110. "Living with Animals and Biotechnology", successfully accomplished these goals. The 1 credit course was a discussion course covering issues within animal science and biotechnology. Students were also required to maintain a notebook of the discussions, find and give a presentation on a recently published article related to the subject matter, and take a comprehensive final examination. Students completing the course felt that the course was a valuable learning experience and the first-year learners enjoyed being involved in discussions with a faculty member. Offering 1 credit discovery courses may be developed with information provided in this manuscript, does not greatly interfere with the teacher's duties in other courses or in conducting research, and the benefits will more than compensate for the time required to teach this course.
animal science, discovery course, freshman