The use of weekly problem sets is a common way to help students enrolled in introductory economics courses learn the usefulness and importance of economic principles. Difficulty in using this approach arises when courses are large. A "Homework Helper," or computer homework grader was developed and used in AGEC 120, Principles of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, at Kansas State University. The Homework Helper is a tool that provides web access to a faculty member for the creation of homework assignnlents and provides web access to students for completing the weekly problem sets. Use of the online homework manager allowed students to get weekly practice at solving econonlic problems, and weekly feedback on their understanding ofthe material. The instructor was able to devote a large amount of saved time and energy to preparing lectures, working with students, providing feedback to students, and to the pursuit of other scholarly activities. Synergy between the instructor and the computer specialist allowed for many improvements and enhancements to the homework manager throughout the semester. The Homework Helper has been used in other economics courses, arid will be used to administer course examinations in the future.
online, homework helper