
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of using QuickTime movies during lectures in an Introductory Food Science and Human Nutrition Course. The QuickTime movies are embedded in the lecture notes that are accessible tluough the course web site. Students completed the Gregorc Style Delineator and evaluated three QuickTime movies using a scale from one to ten, one being not effective and ten being extremely effective in helping to understand the course material. There were no significant differences between class demographics and QuickTime movie ratings or between dominant learning styles and QuickTime movie ratings. However, there were significant differences between the mean ratings for the three QuickTime movies. The overall mean ratings for the QuickTime movies for all students were favorable with means ranging from 5.9 to 7.6. QuickTime movies were found to be an effective teaching tool for all students regardless of learning style.



QuickTime movies, food science course, human nutrition course, learning styles

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