
Literature regarding student evaluation of instruction primarily addresses the views of faculty and administrators. Since students are the primary stakeholders in this process, the objectives of this study were to determine students' perceptions regarding their willingness as participants, qualifications as evaluators, belief in the effectiveness of this instrument, and integrity of the system. Students (n=123) from a variety of disciplines at The Ohio State University Agricultural Technical Institute were surveyed for this purpose. Of the 122 students who completed this survey, 91% were under 25 years of age and 68% were male. On a scale of one (strongly disagree) to five (strongly agree), students indicated a willingness (4.0±1.0) to evaluate their instructor, felt well qualified (4.4±0.9) to evaluate their instructors, and were neutral in considering Student Evaluation of Instruction (SEI) a valid (3.3±1.2) instrument for evaluation. Although students were willing participants and felt qualified to evaluate their instructors, they appeared to question the effectiveness of the process.



student evaluation of instruction form, assessment, teaching effectiveness