Using Insects to Promote Science Inquiry in Elementary Classrooms
Written by Douglas A. Golick, Tiffany M. Heng-Moss and Marion D. Ellis |
Hits: 2458
Demographics of an Undergraduate Animal Sciences Course and the Influence of Gender and Major on Course Performance
Written by Pasha A Lyvers Peffer |
Hits: 1982
Public School Administrators' Ratings of the Biological and Physical Science Competencies Needed By Beginning Agricultural Science Instructors
Written by Tmothy D. Rocka and Douglas G. Morrish |
Hits: 1866
The Impact of Participation on Freshman Experiences in a College of Agriculture
Written by Scott Burris, Laura Jane Ashorn, Cindy Akers, Steven Fraze, Todd Brashears and Abigail McCulloch |
Hits: 2144
Screens-to-Nature: Opening Doors to Traditional Knowledge and Hands-on Science Education
Written by Joshua Kellogg, Gili Joseph, Kerstin Andrae-Marobela, Angelina Sosome, Courtney Flint, Slavko Komarnytsky, Georgie Fear, Lena Struwe, IIya Raskin, Mary Ann Lila |
Hits: 2867