Cannabis is one of the fastest-growing industries in the United States. The unprecedented expansion of the industry has been influenced by the changing regulatory landscape on industrial hemp, medical cannabis, and adult-use cannabis. The wide variety of cannabis- and hemp-related jobs, from agricultural production to product sales, require a skilled workforce. Post-secondary institutions have recognized the gap in workforce training and have begun to offer educational credentials in cannabis ranging from certificates to graduate degrees. As the cannabis education sector is built, professional development on cannabis education for post-secondary educators can assist in the creation and teaching of high-quality academic programs. A survey was used to evaluate the inaugural Cannabis Curriculum Convening, a pioneering professional development event on cannabis education. Our findings show that professional development positively impacted educators’ knowledge and confidence toward integrating cannabis curriculum. Educators’ future needs for professional development (curriculum/program development and pedagogical content knowledge) were assessed. Findings show that educators desire professional development on forming cannabis industry partnerships and providing non-formal cannabis education. The most in-demand pedagogical content knowledge topics were medical cannabis, cannabis history, and cannabis regulation, testing, and compliance. We hope our recommendations will inform current and future professional development in cannabis education.

Keywords: agriculture workforce, hemp, post-secondary education, marijuana, webinar

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