The demand for accountability for results in college is a demand (for teachers and administrators) which calls for changes of such magnitude and nature as to warrant the term--"basic reforms" (Lessinger, 1971). Administrators tend to feel that evaluation of performance in research is easier than that for the performance in teaching endeavors. Should that be the case, and we are not convinced,more intense effort by the administrator should be made to study what makes a good scorecard system for the teacher evaluation. To us teacher evaluation is a very complex process and much more careful and intense scrutiny must be made of a teacher's performance before judgment is passed regarding his value in the total instructional effort in a teaching program. That some teachers have doubts about the capability of qualification of administrators and/or peers to judge good teaching is expressed in the quotation, "Peers and administrators tend to be unreliable evaluators of teachers. There is a growing interest in evaluating teachers by measuring student learning" (Foth, 1972). It is not unusual for a given teacher to be evaluated differently by students, peers, and by administrators (Ryans, 1960). When an authoritative figure rates a group of subordinates, the rating will be more highly correlated with patterns of identification established by his own value system than with the actual evaluating criteria established beforehand (Gowan, 1955). Rankings of teachers who produced the most student learning were unrelated to rankings made of instructors by their peers or supervisors (Cohen and Brawer, 1961).
teacher rating, backgrounds