Student internships permeate many academic programs in Colleges of Agriculture and Natural Resources, but are all internships the same? The purpose of this paper is to help answer this question by conducting a case study of the benefits of a less common form of internship a semester-long internship at a State Capitol in a state legislative office. One objective of the paper is to assess both the commonalities and differences a legislative internship shares with more traditional company-based, private sector internships. An additional objective is to use the lessons learned from this case study to specify a general structure for future legislative internship programs. The findings include descriptions of benefits to all parties concerned with the case(i.e., the student, the legislative office, the University). Though these benefits differ from some of the main benefits associated with more traditional companybased internships, the primary implication of this case study is that legislative internships can create opportunities for students to have practical experiences in the ever-increasingly important area of agricultural policy formation.
legislative internship, value