
An innovative course was developed that infused multiculturalism into the agriculture curriculum and strengthened university general education core course offerings in diversity and cultural studies. The course facilitated interaction among agriculture and humanities students and dialogue across disciplines. Innovative aspects of the class included collaboration and multiple course listings among all multicultural programs offered by the various colleges. The course provided undergraduate students with opportunities to conduct independent research and utilize a wide range of museum, archival, and library resources. Opportunities to travel throughout the region afforded students insight into agricultural history and cultural resources. Student research lead to the development of museum quality exhibits that are showcased in an event and public reception culminating the semester. Dissemination of student work continued after the course concluded in the form of traveling exhibits, loans to museums, displays in county extension offices, and prominent displays in university buildings and classrooms. Such showcasing of student work met the goal of increasing visibility of women and minorities in agriculture while enriching the diversity and cultural study components of the university curriculum.



diversity, multiculturalism


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