Based on current demands placed on teachers related to the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (U.S. Department of Education, 2003), an interdisciplinary workshop was provided to agriculture and math educators. The workshop focused on providing educators with student-centered learning materials that would help advance the knowledge of high school students. The subject material distributed at the workshop provided educators with several teaching materials that related to infusing math, science, and English into their curriculum. High school math (n=3) and agriculture (n=17) teachers were given a pre-test questionnaire prior to the workshop and a post-test questionnaire after the workshop. Questions in the pre and post tests focused on how comfortable each teacher was in teaching reading, math, and science concepts in their classroom. Results of the pre- and post- test questionnaires indicated teachers felt more comfortable incorporating reading, math, and science concepts into their curriculum after the workshop.
interdisciplinary, math, educators, learning