Reprint - Personality Type Factors of Faculty and Students Implications for Agriculture College Teaching
Written by Leverne Barrett, Robert Sorensen, and Ted Hartung |
Hits: 2039
Growing and Maintaining Viable Student Chapters of Professional Organizations: The Case of the National Agri-Marketing Association
Written by Cheryl J. Wachenheim |
Hits: 2132
Agriculture Education Faculty: Are They Prepared for Diversity?
Written by B. Allen Talbert and James Edwin |
Hits: 2275
Meeting Diverse Needs through Student Leadership Organizations: The Dilemma of Working and Commuting Students
Written by David V. Powell and David M. Agnew |
Hits: 2220
Investigating the Needs of Agricultural Education Graduates
Written by Brian K. Warnick, Gregory W. Thompson, and Edith Gummer |
Hits: 2319