
The purpose of this study was to describe the need for an online Master of Science degree program in agricultural education and to determine factors that could be used to predict the likelihood of high school agriculture teachers applying for admission to such a program. The population consisted of 236 agriculture teachers in Iowa. The response rate for the online census survey was 73%. Ninety-nine high school agriculture teachers said they would consider pursuing an online master's degree program. In addition, 80 teachers whose highest level of education was a bachelor's degree indicated there was a high likelihood they would apply for admission to an online Master of Science degree program in agricultural education at Iowa State University. Logistic regression analysis yielded a three-factor model that could be used to correctly classify 81% of teachers as being likely or unlikely to apply for admission to the proposed degree program. Variables included in the model suggest that recruitment and program development efforts should target younger teachers who are highly skilled in using computers and need graduate courses in the next five years to maintain their professional license.



online degrees, Master of Science degree, agricultural education


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