Workshops were organized at Michigan State University by the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources (CANR) to help faculty and students understand scholarship in teaching and learning. As an outgrowth, a faculty effort was initiated to improve evaluation of teaching and strengthen teaching scholarship across CANR. A Faculty Learning Community (FLC) was formed to review teaching evaluation literature. The FLC synthesized their understandings of evaluation used in other disciplines/institutions to create a conceptual understanding in the discrete domains of effective teaching; scholarly teaching; and scholarship of teaching and learning. Based on consensus, tools were developed to facilitate evaluation of teaching in a flexible manner to accommodate a range of values and teaching assignments. The domains provide the framework for a multi-evidence and multi-source evaluation tool which includes criteria (derived from the definitions and characteristics of each domain), indicators(evidence for the achievement of the criteria) and descriptors (examples of how the criteria have been addressed). It is our intent that these tools be flexible, yet powerful, in helping each individual recognize approaches in their teaching that can be modified/improved, while allowing them to be recognized and rewarded in areas in which they excel. The ultimate goal is to improve student learning.
teaching excellence, diverse disciplinary units