
This paper examined and compared factors influencing the use of instructional materials (IMs) among agriculture teachers in public and private secondary schools in Gaborone, Botswana. The results show that teachers in public schools were younger and had fewer years of teaching experience, but had higher qualifications than those in private schools. The availability of IMs was higher in private than public schools, but teachers in public schools were more favorably disposed to IMs use than teachers in private school. Significant differences exist between public and private schools teachers for availability of IMs (t = -2.33, p < 0.05) and attitude towards the use of IMs (t=2.91, p<0.05). Important predictors of the use of IMs are availability of IMs (t= 3.65), teaching position (t = 2.51), and teaching experience (t=-2.45). Educational policy makers and planners should pay proper attention to these variables to improve the use of IMs in schools.



Botswana, private secondary schools, instructional materials


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