
The purpose of this study was to explain student cognition during class sessions in the context of Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development. The objective of the study was to describe comprehensively Piaget's active experience influence through six variables: four professor variables (cognitive level of professor discourse, cognitive level of professor questions, cognitive level of course objectives, and percent of lecture used during class sessions), and two student variables (student engagement and cognitive level of student questions) and, specifically, to describe their relationship to student cognition, which has not previously been operationally defined as it is defined in this study. Using a regression model, professor discourse and the percent of lecture used during class sessions explained more of the variance in student cognition. Recommendations included increasing professor and student awareness of the ability to teach and think using formal operations strategies for increased cognitive development, and to conduct further research to explain independent variables affecting student cognition.



student cognition, Piaget's Theory

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