A study was conducted to determine specific student characteristics and external influences affecting the undergraduate choice of students enrolled in the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources (CASNR) at Oklahoma State University (OSU). A 39-question survey instrument was used to assess the relative importance of sources of information available during recruiting, institutional characteristics (e.g., placement rate and degree program requirements), and personal influences on the timing of a student's decision to attend CASNR at OSU. Nearly 93% of participants agreed the recruiting materials were satisfactory in providing enough information to make a college choice. Survey respondents indicated campus visits were the most useful source of information. Career opportunities after graduation and academic reputation were the two most influential institutional characteristics influencing college choice, while parents or guardians were the people providing the strongest influence during the decision process. More than 60% of students made their decision to attend CASNR at OSU during their senior year of high school or during their enrollment at another post-baccalaureate institution. Collectively, these results suggest the current recruitment practices are effective.
external influences of college choice, recruitment efforts