To allow students to better understand laboratory material presented in an Introduction to Animal Science laboratory course, online study quizzes were created for students to review material prior to a laboratory examination. Quizzes were created on four topics that were covered on two separate examinations during the spring of 2010. The grade received on the two examinations and the numbers of quizzes attempted were recorded for each student. In the
present study, 93.8% and 86.7% of the students attempted the online quizzes at least once for the first and second examination, respectively. Examination score was influenced by the number of quizzes attempted for the first (p=<0.0001) and second examinations (p=<0.0003) where students who did not use the online quizzes scored lower than the remainder of the students on the examinations. Ninety-five percent of students surveyed said they liked the online quizzes as study aids and 89% of students surveyed said they believed their grade in the course was improved by using the online quizzes. By being well received by students and helping to improve letter grades on examinations, the online quizzes appear to be a viable study aid for an animal science laboratory course and will continue to be offered to students in future semesters.
animal science laboratory, online study quizzes