
Traditional lecture based courses may not be the most effective in incorporating all the concepts of higher order thinking. Therefore, an alternative teaching method was created and incorporated into an upper division animal science feeds and feeding class which challenged students to obtain peer reviewed data and present it in a popular press type format. The objectives of this classroom assignment was to: 1) incorporate the concepts of Blooms
Taxonomy into the teaching method of class and 2) assist undergraduate students in their understanding of core concepts discussed in class and 3) transform scholarly research into a popular press writing format. There were three phases of this assignment: 1) assignment of writing clusters based upon student interest, 2) edit and selection of papers, 3) publication of paper. In each of the three phases, students were graded by the instructor. This project has been conducted for three years, accounts for between 13-19% of the final grade, with five papers authored and
edited by students published in popular press journals across three states. Popular press magazines can be a critical link between the scientific, university, and agriculture communities.



popular press, Blooms Taxonomy, writing skills

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