
Instructors offering oral presentation courses are always looking for ways to give constructive feedback to students to help improve their presentation skills. In most cases, assessments by instructors and peers as well as self-assessments are used to evaluate student presentations. We used a combination of peer, self, and instructor assessment strategies in a presentation course offered at the Iowa State University. The first author developed a 10-point Likert type scale with 10 items related to presentation skills. A paired samples t-test analyzing student
ratings of their perceived skill levels on these 10 variables indicated a statistically significant improvement between the beginning of the semester and at the mid-semester using data collected at the mid-semester. In addition, qualitative data was used to judge student improvements in presentation skills. The integrated assessment strategy that was
employed in this presentation course is presented in this paper. This integrated assessment strategy has implications for instructors and students in oral presentation courses striving to improve presentation skills.



presentation skills, oral presentatioon courses, assessing presentations, assessment strategies

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